Page 61 of Wolf Arranged

“I am, too, but we have to keep believing that things are going to get better.”

She laughed hollowly. “That’s easier said than done.” She sniffled and curled in tighter on herself. “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?” She yawned.

I brushed the hair out of her face. “Yeah. Of course.”

I put my head down on the pillow. We lay like that for a long time before her breathing finally evened out. I gently worked myself away from her and got up, careful not to disturb her. I said a silent prayer for her, the baby, and Jacob, then made my way out.

The door creaked as I opened it, making me wince. I gasped as I stepped over the threshold. Both Lincoln and Sawyer were standing guard outside.

I shut the door. “She’s asleep.”

Sawyer let out a long breath and nodded. “Good. Everything I did just made it worse. She’s terrified of me now.”

Lincoln bumped my arm with his elbow. “I feel like another run. What about you?”

I arched up onto the balls of my feet, stretching my arms over my head. “Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

It had been one hell of an afternoon. A run would help work out some of the kinks in my muscles.

Lincoln lifted his brow. “Sawyer?”

Sawyer’s eyes swept over me. He licked his lips and inhaled, closing his eyes. “No. I’ll go out by myself later. I want to make sure she’s asleep and get a reverse lock so she can’t try to sneak out.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think she’ll do that. Not now. And her leg. It looks pretty bad.”

Sawyer rubbed at his eyes. “The doc treated it as best he could. She wouldn’t stay still. You two go on ahead. I might be a while, so don’t wait around for me.”

My heart fell. I looked at my feet.

Lincoln mumbled under his breath as he took my elbow. “Come on.”

I tossed one last glance over my shoulder. My eyes met Sawyer’s as he held my gaze for a moment. It was impossible to miss the longing in his eyes.

My lips parted as heat rushed to my core.

Lincoln tightened his grip on me and put his lips to my ear. “Careful,” he murmured. “Anyone can see us.”

I turned my attention back to him and pressed myself closer to him. He was warm and hard in all the right places. His thumb smoothed a path over my wrist.

I kept my eyes facing forward, but I could feel Sawyer watching us. I put a little extra sway into my hips.

Lincoln groaned, and his hand dipped down to the small of my back.

I put my chin on his shoulder. “Let’s go back to the cave.”

He arched a brow at me. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

I bobbed my head up and down. Yeah. Sawyer might be denying what was between us, but I wanted Lincoln. And he wanted me. I was tired of pretending there was nothing between us.

Willa was right. Everything around us was falling apart. I wanted to enjoy what I could while I could. There was no promise of tomorrow. I didn’t want any regrets.

Lincoln led me outside and down the path. Neither of us said anything until we were in the safety of the woods.

Only then did he break the silence. “Tell me more about your home. What did you do for fun, aside from demolishing your siblings in races?”

I slipped my hand down his arm and held his hand. “I was supposed to start my sophomore year at the community college this fall. I was all signed up to attend when we heard what was happening. I didn’t see the point in starting.”

My shoulders fell. I’d made a few non-shifter friends last year and had been looking forward to reconnecting after the summer.