Page 6 of Wolf Arranged

His beady eyes stared at me, a small smirk spreading over his face. “There is no need to be so jumpy, darling. You are with us now. No one will dare lay a finger on you while you are under my protection.”

My skin crawled. The way he was looking at me was predatory. I drew my knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible.

“If I’d known how beautiful you were, I might have kept you for myself.” His gaze swept over me and stopped at my chest before darting back up to my lips. “An alpha can never have too many heirs.”

Nausea churned in my belly. The color drained from my face. Sweat beaded my brow, and I feared I would pass out. The thought of him and me together like that made me want to hurl.

I blinked rapidly and put the window down enough so a cool breeze could wash over me. It brought a little clarity. I hadn’t met Lincoln yet, but anyone had to be better than Alpha Dane. Right?

“Where…” My voice came out a croak. I cleared my throat and drew in a deep breath. “Where is Lincoln?”

Alpha Dane shifted in his seat, but his eyes never left me. “Lincoln is a Sigma, so by nature isn’t social. He doesn’t leave thepack lands often and keeps to himself. I couldn’t bring him out into what might have been a hostile situation. He might not be my favorite child, but he is my son. Besides, I had to make sure you were worthy of my protection before I introduced you.”

I swallowed. There were so many things wrong with what he just said. What kind of man would my mate be when he was brought up by such a callous father?

He tapped his hands on his knee as a smile slid across his features. “We should go over a few ground rules.”

How could he carry on a conversation with me like he hadn’t just murdered a man I’d known my whole life and ripped me from my father’s arms?

I cleared my throat and turned to look out the window. We were on the highway. My dad and my previous life were long gone. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d never see him again. Alpha Dane was my alpha and my captor.

The seat crunched as Alpha Dane shifted in it. “Are you paying attention to me, Sloane? I don’t like being ignored.”

I clenched my jaw and fought back the tears before smoothing my still sweaty palms over my jeans.

“Ground rules?” I choked out. I gritted my teeth as I turned back to look at him.

“Every member of my pack has a place and a purpose.” He motioned his hand toward me. “Yours is to provide wolves to help the pack flourish.”

I put my hand on my belly. I’d always wanted to be a mother. Not like this, though. “I understand.”

Even if their father and grandfather were monsters, they would still have part of me. That had to mean something. I would do what I could to influence them into respectful, honorable wolves.

“Lincoln will breed with you. I expect his wolf pup in your belly in six months or less.”

I gulped as my attention snapped back to him. Six months? Was he crazy? Getting pregnant wasn’t always that easy. It required a heat, and I was on suppressants. Even if I wasn’t on them, would I go into heat under duress?

There was medicine to force a heat too. Would they make me take that?

I prayed I didn’t have to take those.

His smile grew even more menacing, his dark eyes lighting up with what I could only describe as joy. “Fail to produce offspring with him, and I’ll kill you. A woman who can’t procreate is of no use to me, and I won’t waste precious resources on someone who doesn’t provide for my pack.” He rubbed his hands together. “I hear you have a little sister. If you don’t work out, maybe she will.”

My heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t going to put his paws on my baby sister. She was an innocent child.

“Erica is only twelve. She’s too young to breed.” I hated the way my voice wavered.

Alpha Dane chuckled and slapped his hand on his leg like I’d told a joke.

I ground my teeth so hard my jaw was on the verge of popping. “And it doesn’t matter. I won’t let you down.”

He narrowed his eyes at me and then nodded. “Good. I like you already.”

I exhaled and closed my eyes, my pulse returning to a semi-normal rhythm. “What are the other ground rules?”

“They are simple, really. You will only breed with Lincoln. No one else. Only him. You will follow all his commands unless I give you a direct order. My rule is law above all others. Do you understand?”

Disgusting. But they were rules that I could follow. “I can do that.”