Page 45 of Wolf Arranged

“Come on.” He offered me his hand.

I slid my hand into his and let him help me from the car. The rain pelted down on us as he pulled me across the lot. We splashed through puddles until we reached the awning.

I wiped rainwater from my face and grunted as I slicked back my hair with my free hand. I’d finally started to dry a little. And the warmth I had was gone. My teeth chattered, and I shivered.

Sawyer didn’t let go of my hand as he pulled me into the lobby. I gasped as the warm air hit me. It wrapped around me like a warm blanket.

My shoes squeaked against the tiles, and a few people looked up at us as we made our way through the lobby.

Sawyer turned right down a hall and stopped at the fifth door on the left. He pulled out a key card from his pocket and stuck it in the slot before opening the door and motioning me inside.

I hurried in and wrapped my arms around myself. Gooseflesh pimpled my skin, and I swore I could see my breath in the air. It was so cold in here.

Lincoln shut the door and brushed past me, making a beeline for the furnace on the far wall. “Some idiot turned on the AC.”

He kneeled down and fiddled with the controls for a few minutes.

Sawyer put his hand on my back and led me to the bathroom. “Why don’t you take a nice hot shower, sweetheart? I’ll get you something warm and dry to change into.”

He gave me a gentle shove inside and pulled the door shut, leaving me alone. I dropped my arms to my sides and went to themirror. My mouth popped open and my eyes widened as I took in my image.

I was so drenched I looked like a drowned rat. Mud caked my clothes, and I had a bit of smeared blood on my cheek. I used the edge of my sweater to wipe it away.

Tears pricked my eyes as I rubbed a red spot into my skin. Whose blood was it? Lincoln’s? Or someone else’s? It didn’t smell like Lincoln.

Oh god. It belonged to one of the Delidos. Sawyer had accidentally gotten it on me. Lincoln had been trying to rub it off earlier.

My stomach rolled. I gagged and threw myself on my knees next to the toilet. I dry heaved a few times, but nothing came up. I fell onto my ass and put my back against the wall.

Warm tears cascaded down my face, and I sniffled. A sob tore free from my throat, and I covered my mouth with my sweater and bit down on it. I didn’t want them to hear me.

I pushed to my feet and flipped on the water, and then I peeled off my sopping wet clothes and let them fall to the floor with a smack.

The water was steaming hot and scalded my skin, turning it pink from the heat. It felt good.

I scrubbed myself until the water turned cool, my hands pruned. It didn’t get rid of the sickening feeling of having someone else’s blood on me. I gritted my teeth as I shut the water off.

I grabbed the crisp white towel from the rack and started drying off. I’d moved on to my hair when raised voices met my ears.

I dropped the towel to the floor, grabbed the robe from the back of the door, and pulled it on as I listened.

“Sawyer, don’t be ridiculous. There are two beds.”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t stay in here. Not with her. And you.”


“Lincoln. No!”

I opened the door, and both guys turned toward me as I stepped out in only my bathrobe. Sawyer took a step back from me, his hand going to his chest. Both of them gaped at me, their eyes traveling over my body as their scents swirled around me. Heat blossomed in my belly.

Judging by the way both their eyes dilated, I wasn’t the only one affected.

I pressed my thighs together and grabbed the door for support. “What’s going on?”

Lincoln shot his brother a look before taking a seat on the bed. “Sawyer wants to sleep in the car.”

I shook my head and reached out for him. “Stay with us.”