Page 39 of Wolf Arranged

I put my hand over my mouth. Tears pricked my eyes. Lincoln’s idea wasn’t so crazy though. Willa had made her own bed. She was safe. For now. Lincoln and I, on the other hand… We’d have to lie to make ourselves safe.

Lincoln took both my hands in his. “He’s going to hunt her down, regardless. Nothing we say or do is going to stop that. He is ruthless and enjoys hunting and punishing those who defy him. She knew the risks when she ran. You and I are the ones who will face the consequences. I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and if my dad even suspects we let her go, it will be bad for both of us.”

I pursed my lips and nodded. “It would explain how they knew to run and would provide cover for your project.”

I still didn’t like it, but I didn’t want to imagine what Alpha Dane would do to us. It wouldn’t be pretty.

He leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine. “I don’t want to see anything happen to Willa, but it’s you I’m most worriedabout. I never thought I’d meet my mate, but now that I have, you are my only priority.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Okay. We’ll say she orchestrated it.”

Dread washed through me, but he was right. Willa had left us here, and we had to clean up the mess. The whole plan could fall apart if we didn’t.

“You know, you could have gone with her.” He smoothed a hand through my hair, pushing the wet strands away from my face.

I stared at the ground as my jaw worked. “I know.”

“Why didn’t you?” His pale-blue eyes met mine. There was a vulnerability there, like the wrong thing out of my mouth might crush him.

I cupped his cheek. “When my dad told me what was happening, I thought I was going to a literal hell. Then I met you and then Sawyer and…” I motioned between us. “There’s something inside me…something between us. I can’t describe it. But the thought of leaving you, Lincoln… I couldn’t breathe.”

Lincoln swallowed, and then he leaned in and captured my lips. My heart pounded. My pulse roared. I wrapped my arms around him as his lips caressed mine.

My fingers curled around his shirt, pulling him even closer as his fingers combed through my sopping wet strands.

His lips moved against mine, dominating me, making my knees go weak. He grasped my hips and held me up, wedging his knee between my thighs so it rubbed against my core. I groaned.

My chest tightened, my nipples pebbled, and my core throbbed.

It ended too quickly. Lincoln pulled away, a frown marring his brow as he turned to look over his shoulder.

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong when an icy chill of dread zipped down my spine. Sawyer.

He grabbed my elbow. “We have to get back.”

My hands got clammy and my chest tightened. “It’s Sawyer, isn’t it?”

The air whooshed out of my lungs, and a heavy weight pressed against my chest.

Lincoln’s frown deepened as he drew me into a steady jog. “He’s not hurt.”

“But something’s wrong.” Emotion coated my voice.

Before Lincoln could answer, an explosion boomed through the woods. I gasped. The trees shook, and the ground trembled. I ducked and screamed as the sound echoed through the forest.

Lincoln tugged on me. “It’s not close to us. It’s just loud. We have to move. Let’s go.”

We set our pace at a grueling run.

We covered the distance more quickly now. My feet slid out from under me as the rain pelted my face. It didn’t slow me though. There was only one thing on my mind. Sawyer.

My heart pounded faster as we neared the clearing where the cars were. I could see the outlines of the black vehicles in the distance. There was a thick black plume of smoke rising into the sky like a beacon to the right of them.

The smell was horrid. The closer we got, the worse it was, burned rubber mixed with wood and plastic. We crested the ridge and went to the side so we could see the Delidos’ land.

A raw choking sound forced its way out of my throat. Fire. It was everywhere.

The houses were burning. And the cars. A few bodies littered the ground. Some human, some wolf.