Page 29 of Wolf Arranged

“Lincoln is every bit the part of an alpha except for when it comes to being around people in public spaces. Especially here.” Sawyer dropped his hand to his side and looked to where Willa was still happily shopping. “I’m sure you heard us talking about my mother and sister.”

“I know they passed away.”

Sawyer’s nostrils flared, and he looked around the shop. He put his hand on my arm, making warmth radiate through my chest as he guided me to a corner where we were out of earshot of everyone.

“About eight years ago, there was a shooting at this mall.”

I bit my lip and thought back. I remembered hearing something about that. “People were killed.”

“Seven were killed and sixteen injured. Two of the victims were my mother and sister.”

I covered my mouth. “Oh no.”

“That’s not the worst of it. Lincoln was with them. He was shot. Twice.”

My mouth went dry and my chest tightened. “Didn’t the gunman keep them hostage for hours?”

Sawyer gave me a somber look. “He was only thirteen then and on the cusp of his first shift. He had to hold it back the whole time. I could feel him. Not only did he have to watch our mother and sister die, but several other people were murdered. I could feel what he felt, but it’s not the same.”

“That’s horrible. I had no idea.” I wrapped my arms around my middle as my shoulders slumped.

“My father was never the same after that day. He blames Luna for allowing it to happen. He doesn’t understand why she didn’t protect them. How she could allow humans to murder us.” Sawyer ran a hand through his hair. “He lost his faith that day, along with his soul. When my mom and sister died, so did the decent man that he was.”

It didn’t make the alpha’s actions okay, but it gave me reasons why he was that way. I’d seen firsthand how the light had left my parents’ eyes when they’d seen Darrin. My mother had cried nearly nonstop for a week.

Sawyer cleared his throat. “He punished Lincoln. Blamed him for living when they died. He enjoyed breaking him down afterthe attack. It’s why he has panic attacks now. My father was ruthless to him, but he never broke him. Not really. Lincoln just doesn’t like being around people. He never did, even before this. It just made it that much worse.”

Sawyer tilted his head to the side as he gazed at me. “He’s different with you. Confident and comfortable, like he is with me. He was really worried about having to share his space with a stranger. I’m glad it’s you.”

“I’m glad, too.” I’d been expecting the worst but had found my soulmate in the process.

“It’s good for him. I’m glad he has someone else. Father has always been particularly cruel to him.”

I wrapped my arms around myself. The horror he must have gone through… It wasn’t over yet. Alpha Dane was out of control. He was making everyone’s lives a nightmare.

I glanced around the shop and dropped my voice to a whisper just in case. “Lincoln told me a little about your plan.”

Sawyer shifted his attention to Willa, who now had a heap of clothes in her arms. She waved to us and motioned toward the dressing room.

Sawyer gave her a nod and then turned back to me. “Willa doesn’t know about it. She’s young. I don’t think she would intentionally betray us, but she’s weak.”

I knitted my brows together in a scowl. “She’s emotional and scared. Can you blame her, given the circumstances?”

Sawyer met my eyes with a glare of his own. “Of course not. The circumstances she is under are unforgiveable, but that doesn’t mean I want to trust her with all of our lives, either.”

I mashed my lips together and sighed. “Fair enough. But don’t mistake her emotions for being weak. Emotions make us strong. Passionate, even.”

He considered me for a long moment. “Maybe.”

I glanced around the shop. No one was near us. “Tell me more about the plan.”

“Dad will go over the details tonight at dinner. Lincoln will get an alert out the best he can.” Sawyer leaned even closer, taking my breath away.

My fingers twitched, and I grasped his jacket.

His mouth went to my ear. “We have to be careful, Sloane.” His breath was warm against the nape of my neck, sending chills through my body. “Lincoln is smart and good with the back end of things, but if we give too much warning, my dad will know someone on the inside is betraying him.”

He pulled back and stood so he was a hairsbreadth away from my mouth. My gaze dropped to his lips, and I inched forward.