Page 13 of Wolf Arranged

“He’s your brother and the future alpha, right?” I asked.

He gripped my hand tighter. “Sloane, he’s my twin brother and—”

A loud rap on the door made us both jump. The knocking stopped for a few seconds and then started again. Whatever Lincoln had been about to tell me would have to wait.

He cursed under his breath and went to the door.

I wrapped my arms around myself and shifted on my feet as he conversed in a hushed whisper with whoever was on the other side.

I turned my head to the side to pick up the conversation, but couldn’t make anything out. Whatever it was, it seemed to be making Lincoln angry. The hand that was gripping the doorknob had turned white at the knuckles from his death grip.

“Fine!” Lincoln’s voice was harsh. “We’ll be right down.”

He slammed the door shut and turned to me, a snarl still on his face.

His features softened when his gaze met mine. “They want us early. My dad wants to make sure you held up your end of the deal.”

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my sob. What if he knew?

“I’ll take the punishment for you if he suspects. Don’t worry.”

My bottom lip trembled. “He’ll kill my family.”

Lincoln closed the distance between us and grasped my hands. “I won’t let him hurt you or them. I promise.”

I shouldn’t believe him, but I did. It was risky to trust Lincoln. I barely knew him. His father was a horrible man and had ripped me away from my family. But I trusted in my goddess, Luna.

She wouldn’t mate me with a man who wouldn’t protect me. Or at least I hoped she wouldn’t.

I drew in a shuddering breath and nodded.

He squeezed my hand harder. “It’s going to be okay, Sloane. I promise.”

He lifted my hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss.

Tingles shot through my body, and I took a step closer, wanting to feel more of him.

Lincoln turned toward the door and gently pulled me along beside him. “We can’t keep my dad waiting.”

Dread filled me like a weight sitting in my stomach. I dropped my gaze to the floor as I shuffled forward toward the door.

Lincoln let go of my hand before opening it.

The cold chill of the hallway wrapped me in an icy embrace, making my heart stutter. Lincoln brushed past me and shut the door before leading the way down the hall.

I’d been too nervous to pay much attention to the hall earlier. Now I counted the doors. Lincoln’s was the sixth one on the right from the stairs. The hall stretched much farther than that in both directions.

The mansion was massive. Escaping would be difficult. Not that I could chance it. But if I had to, I should know the lay of the land.

I let my gaze wander over the foyer as Lincoln led the way downstairs. The entry broke off in each direction. From the beef and vegetable aroma, the kitchen had to be straight ahead.

My belly grumbled, and I put a hand on it. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Mom had offered lunch, but I’d been too nervous. My mouth watered as we drew closer to the delicious-smelling dinner.

“Do you like pot roast?” Lincoln asked.

I bit my lip and nodded. My mom made it for dinner every Sunday. I wondered if the beef would fall apart like hers did. If it would taste just as good. Maybe for a few brief moments, I could feel like I was home. Safe.

The moment was shattered when Alpha Dane appeared in a doorway in front of us, his arms crossed and a smile on his face. His gaze searched me from head to toe.