I turned around, but the light in Miss Robbins’ office turn off as the elevator doors opened, and I sighed. Well, if Saturday night rolled around and another man showed up, I’d just send him away. It was that simple.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, then stepped into the elevator before the doors closed. Something in my stomach wasn’t settling right, and the only thing that kept my shaking hands at bay was the constant reminder that this was nothing but business. It was paperwork, statistics, and data reports. Numbers to keep investors happy. And I wanted this company to thrive because they were about to give my boss a great deal of business.

But in the back of my mind, a little voice kept whispering that I’d get to feel him again, and the smile that crossed my face at the prospect riddled my gut with guilt.


“I think this is the first time you’ve ever beat me to a bar,” Hunter said.

“I’ve been here for an hour.”

“Oh, shit. Then something’s obviously on your mind. What gives? Why have you been sitting her for an hour by yourself?”

“For starters, Camilla and I broke up.”

“So you talked with her.”

I eyed Hunter, and he held up his hands.

“Sorry. Bad time to joke. What happened? Who ended it?”

“I did.”


I drew in a deep breath through my nose before I took a sip of my whiskey sour. “You know that promotion she got at work?”

“Oh shit. There wasn’t a promotion.”

“Oh no, there was, but the raise that supposedly came with it wasn’t as high as Camilla had thought it would be. So she started sleeping with her boss to get a higher pay raise.”

“She what now?”


“Repeat that one last time, because I could’ve sworn you said Camilla was sleeping with her boss for fucking money.”

“You want to know the shitty part?”

“That isn’t the shitty part?”

“She thought I’d be okay with it.”

“You’re not serious. Oh boy.”

“I am. I’m being completely serious. When I spun out on her, she looked at me in shock and said, ‘It didn’t mean anything. Why are you so upset? I didn’t think you’d be upset.’”

“You’re kidding.”

“I’m really not.”

“That woman thought you’d be okay with her sleeping with her damn boss for a better raise? Because it didn’t mean anything?”

“Yeah, she really did. That was why she’d been so distant, telling me she was working when she wasn’t. That’s why she’s had her nose stuck in her phone for weeks on end. She’s been fucking around with her boss to try to get a better damn raise.”

“Then it’s a good thing you ended it with her. Can you imagine the men she’s slept with while you two were together that you don’t know about?”

“Don’t say shit like that.”

“No, I’m serious. You aren’t dating her now, so I can say it. Camilla’s hot and all, but she’s a little on the free side. Free with her life and free with her body.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. I ended things and moved on.”

“Good for you. Wait. You moved on? When did all this take place?”

“Last weekend.”

“And you’ve already moved on?”

I took another long pull of my drink as the night with Ava crashed into my mind.

“In a fit of anger, I signed up for this agency called Save the Date.”

“I’ve heard of them. Aren’t they some sort of company for losing virginity or something?” Hunter asked.

“It’s a dating website geared toward people who—well, don’t date, don’t get intimate with people. They pair people who are experienced in the world with people who are inexperienced, teachers and pupils.”

“Sounds like a sex scheme. I can dig it.”

“It’s not a—fucking hell, Hunter. Can you tuck it in for a second?” I asked.

“What? You’re the one who signed up for some service to teach some innocent little girl how to swallow your cock down.”

I groaned and closed my eyes as I dropped my head back into the cushion of the booth we sat in.

“Look, did you get yourself a bit of fun?” he asked.

“I’m not telling you anything until you stop dumbing everything down to nothing but sex,” I said.

“Did you do something other than sex?” he asked.

I sighed before I shook my head.

“There’s something else to this, isn’t there? This isn’t just a ‘hey, I signed up and taught a sweet girl how to fuck’ kind of story, is it?”

I shook my head before I downed the last of my drink.

“What happened?”

“You can’t tell a soul,” I said.

“Don’t tell me Camilla was the one who showed up for this little hoedown.”


“Worse than Camilla showing up? What the hell?”


“Who was it? Who did this agency pair you with?”

“Ava,” I said.

Hunter’s face dropped. I slid my glass to the edge of the booth. It was quickly replaced by another, and I chugged it back before the waitress even walked away from the table. So many memories from that night. How decadent her pussy tasted. How tight her walls flexed around me. How sweet her sounds were. How absolutely filthy that virgin mouth of hers had been.