I check my watch - 5pm already. I need a drink after the day I've had. I text my assistant Nova as I head towards the town's only bar.
Meet me at O'Malley's. Need to vent after the crappy meeting.
Within minutes, she texts back.
Be there in 10! Hang in there boss <3
I can't help but smile. Nova always knows how to lift my spirits. I don't know what I'd do without her support.
The bar is quiet when I enter, just a few locals peppered at tables. To my annoyance, I spot Ash and his rowdy brothers at the bar. I pointedly ignore his gaze, still furious after our argument a couple of days before. Can this day get any worse?
I order a glass of wine and sit at a back table, stewing over the anonymous townsperson who blocked my cabins. It has to be one of the Nilssons. I don’t know why it took me so long to work it out. They're so threatened by my resort encroaching on their precious logging grounds. If I could just get the recreational land rezoned...
My plotting is interrupted by Nova's arrival. "Hey, hun, I got you a refill," she says, passing me another glass of wine before sitting down across from me. "So what happened with the lawyer?"
I sigh, launching into the whole infuriating saga as she listens sympathetically. Maybe with her help, I can figure out which brother sabotaged my plans and how to get my entire resort approved. The Nilssons may have won this battle, but the war is far from over.
“I don’t think it would hurt if we tried being friendlier with the locals,” Nova suggests, her voice all timid, like she’s scared of saying the wrong thing. “Maybe compromising with the Timber brothers wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”
I nod along, but it’s never going to happen. Even if I were willing, that stubborn lumberjack would rather chop down the whole forest than work with me.
"It'll never happen," I scoff. “They’re determined to undermine me at every turn."
"I know Ash frustrates you, but staying enemies won't get you anywhere," Nova says gently. "Maybe if you extended an olive branch..."
I roll my eyes. "The Nilssons have been clear where they stand. I don't need their approval to build my resort!"
My voice raises louder than intended. I sneak a glance at the bar, but Ash remains focused on his beer.
Nova pats my hand reassuringly. "You're right. Forget compromise for now. The glamping tents will do fine this season. We can revisit the cabins another time."
I exhale, my anger dissipating. Lovely Nova, always seeing the bright side. The tents will bring in revenue and establish my foothold here. Someday my full vision will be realized, Nilssons be damned! For now, I'll choose my battles wisely and focus on growing the business.
"You always know just what to say," I tell Nova, squeezing her hand gratefully.
"How's your wine?" Nova asks.
"Excellent, as always," I reply lightly. "The Blue Mountain Vineyard makes a superb Pinot Noir."
I keep my tone breezy, though my frustration simmers below the surface. I built those luxury cabins in my mind already. Their rejection stings, even if the glamping tents will establish my foothold here.
"Too bad the vineyard didn't have space for our resort," Nova says. "Their wines would have paired perfectly with your farm-to-table dining vision."
"Yes, a missed opportunity there," I muse. My eyes drift to Ash again despite myself. I despise his smug smile as he laughs with his brothers.
Nova follows my gaze. "He is quite handsome, isn't he?" she remarks. "Under different circumstances..."
I scoff loudly. "He's an arrogant brute! Don't let those sculpted arms and tousled curls fool you."
Ash looks over at my outburst. I lift my glass in a mocking salute. Let him wonder what I'm saying about him. The nerve of that man to undermine me at every turn. I won't be chased off so easily. Game on, Ash Nilsson.
Isit at the scarred wooden bar, nursing my third whiskey as I stare across the smoky room. Gemma is hunched over paperwork with her assistant Nova, their heads bent together, laughing about who knows what. She tosses her chestnut hair over one shoulder, and my fingers twitch with the urge to run through those silky strands.
"Can't take your eyes off her, huh, Ash?" Birch elbows me, a knowing grin on his scruffy face.