“Uh-huh. Sure looked like your type to me," Nova says with a wink. "All rugged and mountain manly."

I feel my cheeks flush. "Oh, stop. Just because he's built like a woodsman doesn't mean I'm interested."

Nova laughs. "The heart wants what it wants. No point denying it."

I shake my head adamantly. "Nope, no way. Not gonna happen. He's the enemy, remember? We can't let him or his company jeopardize everything we've built here."

Nova shrugs, still smiling. "If you say so. But seems to me like you two have some unresolved... tension."

I give her shoulder a playful shove. "That's enough out of you." But her words linger as we continue touring the renovated tents. Could she be right? No, I can't let myself be distracted by some arrogant mountain man, no matter how gruffly handsome. I have a glamping empire to build.

As the sun begins to set behind the mountain, I gather the staff in the main lodge.

"Alright team, quick update. As some of you saw earlier, we had a visit from the local lumber company owner, Ash Nilsson." I pause as a murmur ripples through the group.

"Now, I don't want anyone to worry, but they may try to cause some trouble for us as we get up and running. Just little annoyances to scare us off." I smile reassuringly. "But we aren't going anywhere. This is our land and our right to be here. I've already spoken to our lawyers, and we're prepared to defend ourselves if it comes to it. We’ve done everything by the book, and I’m not worried.”

The staff nods, buoyed by my confidence. I feel that familiar determination swelling within me. We've come too far to be intimidated now.

"So if anyone from Nilsson Lumber shows up, don't engage. Just come get me, and I'll handle them. We aren't about to let some stubborn lumberjacks bully us." A round of cheers goes up, and I grin.

"Alright, back to work everyone. We open in one week!" The staff disperses, spirits high. I linger, watching the sun sink below the jagged ridge. Could partnerships with Nilsson Lumber be possible someday? I sigh, knowing change takes time here. And Ash's arrogance doesn't help. But I'm not one to back down from a challenge. If he wants a fight, he'll get one. And who knows, maybe that tension between us will shift into something else. A warmth spreads through me at the thought despite my resistance. No, I can't get distracted. But damn, those eyes...

Shaking my head to clear it, I turn and head inside. One obstacle at a time. Tonight, we celebrate how far we've come. Tomorrow, the real work begins.



Isit on a log beside the bonfire, the heat warming my face as I crack open a beer. My brothers gather around, each with their own bottle in hand. The night air is crisp, and the smell of burning wood fills my nostrils, reminding me of countless evenings spent like this.

"Hey, Ash," Birch calls out, a mischievous grin on his face. "You've been grumpier than a bear with a thorn in its paw since your run-in with that hot glamping chick yesterday. What's her name again? Gemma?"

"Shut up, Birch," I snap, taking a swig of my beer. The bitter taste does little to ease my irritation at the mention of her name. "I'm not grumpy because of her."

"Aw, come on, Ash," Forest chimes in, playfully nudging me with his elbow. "You can't deny she's attractive, even if she is trying to build that ridiculous resort in our backyard."

"Protesting a bit too much there, bro," Birch adds with a wink.

"Fine, she's not hard on the eyes," I admit begrudgingly. "But that doesn't mean I want anything to do with her or her stupidglamping plans." The thought of her luxury tents and city-slicker guests trampling through our land makes my blood boil.

"Man, you're wound tighter than a bear trap," Forest chuckles, shaking his head. "Can't you just try to get along with her? Who knows, maybe she'll surprise you."

"Enough about Gemma," I growl, taking another swig of my beer. "Let's just enjoy this fire and forget about her for one damn night."

"Alright, alright," Birch says, raising his hands in surrender. "No need to get all worked up.”

The conversation shifts to other topics, like Forest's latest woodworking project and Everest's latest firefighting callout, but I can't help the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. As much as I hate to admit it, Gemma's presence has stirred something within me. It isn't just anger or annoyance—it's something deeper, something that unnerves me.

And as the fire crackles and laughter echoes around me, I can't help but let my thoughts drift back to my frustrating day at the Bureau of Land Management. "You know," I begin, taking a deep swig of my beer, "I went to appeal Gemma's latest building expansion permit today."

"Here we go again," Birch smirks, elbowing Forest playfully.

"Let him talk," Everest interjects, his calm voice cutting through their banter. My brothers fall silent, giving me the floor.

"Anyway, as I was saying," I continue, glaring briefly at Birch before going on, "I managed to block her plans for those ridiculous cabins and the wedding event pavilion. But there's nothing I can do about the glamping tents, cafe, and general store. And it seems she'll be expanding her hiking trails with access to the mountain stream, too."

"Have you considered finding a middle ground with her, Ash?" Everest asks, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames. "It sounds like the authorities aren't fully on our side here."