Page 68 of Impossible Treasure

“Oh, yes.” Rose’s cheeks and neck got even hotter than the outside humid air could make her. Every minute of her life this next week was going to be videoed, and guaranteed they’d use the initial meeting of the couple for the show. How humiliating. She fanned her face. “Sorry I’m overheated, it’s below freezing at home.” She smiled. “Did I miss something?”

“I finished your introduction,” Mercedes said. “And you didn’t …”

She was going to say acknowledge or thank me or something like that.

“Ah, yes,” Rose nodded, hoping she hid her discomfort. “Thank you. I’m thrilled to be here representing the ranch and can’t tell you how we appreciate your generosity in offering the million dollars.”

Her parents hadn’t wanted her to come, worried if she’d recovered from the attack two years ago, they had no idea about the attacks at the university and would really be flipping out if they did. She’d stood her ground, reminding them in discussion after discussion that she was the inventor and face of their charity. It had to be her who came and saved the ranch.

She’d also had a spiritual impression that this week might be the help she needed to get past her fears of being alone with any unknown man. The fact that the man she’d be paired with was a military special ops hero terrified her. Even with her diligent training and pepper spray, how could she fight off a man with high level expertise in hand to hand combat. If she would’ve had any idea the military guy was also a hulking giant she would never have come. She’d had no choice. It was come or lose everything and turn desperate families out into the cold, hard world. Her palms were sweaty and she prayed in her mind for help and strength.

“Thank you for being here. I pray you’ll earn that money with your brave, tough military protector.” Mercedes clasped her hands in prayer mode and focused on the dark-haired giant. “And now, allow me to introduce retired Army Ranger, fifteen years of exemplary service in the military. His uniform is so decorated with badges I don’t know he keeps those massive shoulders back when he wears it. Awarded the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service, he is an icon and superman. Ofcourse in his spare time he volunteers at an inner-city gym to help wounded vets and at-risk youth …” She grinned. “So with no further ado, I present to you … Major … Bennett … Mason!” Mercedes said everything with a flourish like she was on a commercial selling tough, brave military heroes.

Major Bennett Mason kept his smile in place but it looked a little less radiant. Did he not enjoy being bragged about, or maybe he didn’t want his accolades recorded for the world to see whenever this show aired?

He was a major in the Army Rangers, fifteen years of service, and had received the Bronze Star medal? Wow. It wasn’t only his size that was intimidating. She’d graduated from the University of Great Falls, now re-named University of Providence, in business and family studies as quick as she could and raced back to her family ranch. She hadn’t traveled the world or fought to free the oppressed like this hero. Her sister Lily was in love with Miles Coleville, a wealthy rancher from their hometown who was currently in the Navy SEALs. To hear Lily tell it Miles was the bravest, most accomplished special ops hero in the world. Her sister wasn’t wrong. Miles was tough and impressive, the hero of their community, but even he had never been awarded any Bronze Star. He was a sergeant now and Lily acted like that was a lot of work and an honor. Wasn’t a major several rankings above a sergeant?

This guy was tougher and more accomplished than Miles Coleville. Goodness. Impressive. She only hoped he was as honorable as the Coleville family men—cowboys and gentlemen. They’d named their small town after Miles’ great-great-grandpa. Rose admired and appreciated true gentlemen. She wasn’t a man hater. She was smart, cautious, closed off.

She fingered her pepper spray, but hoped she wouldn’t have to use it. She’d be alone with this guy today through Saturday. Alone. Six days with a hulking giant. He was a smiling and good-looking giant but still … She wanted to be comfortable and not sleeping with one eye open and fighting off wandering hands.

“Thank you, Miss Belle,” the major had a deep, appealing voice, of course he did, he was like a walking billboard for the ideal male specimen. If you were looking for the tall, buff, smiling, dark, handsome, military hero sort of guy. She wasn’t looking for any sort of guy so it didn’t matter.

He had to be at least thirty-three, if he’d joined the military at eighteen. She was only twenty-six. His age, experience, accolades, and everything about him impressed her. If only she wasn’t slightly terrified by his size and strength and training. His brilliant smile reassured her … a little bit. Their connection earlier should’ve reassured her but she was already second-guessing any vulnerability in this goliath.

He stepped forward until he overshadowed Mercedes and Rose. She arched her head back to look at him. She was five-ten so no shrimp, but he had to be almost a foot taller than her. She didn’t know that she’d ever met a man so large or all-consuming. She couldn’t have pried her gaze away from his blue eyes if the famous bull rider Douglas Duncan walked past.

“It’s an honor to meet and serve with you, Miss Lillywhite,” Major Mason stuck his hand out.

She put her hand in his. His hand predictably swallowed hers. His hand was rough and warm and somehow … comforting? She felt surrounded by him and by his large hand. This man would not only serve with her, but serve and protect her. Could she trust him?

Their gazes met and held. A breath passed, then two. She realized with a start that she could stare at him and clasp hands with him for a long, long time. She didn’t know that she’d complain about his touch, be afraid of him, or second guess his every word and intention.

Could it be possible that this gargantuan military stud was actually a gentle giant?

Was sheinsane? Gentle giants did not become elite special ops majors. Yes, he had honorably protected and served all over the world, but he had also fought and defeated hundreds, thousands, of people with those large hands of his. A walking lethal weapon. She shivered.

Still. There was something understanding and heartfelt about his blue gaze. Could she trust him, or was he trying to lure her in and knock down her guard? He’d peel off that handsome, smiling mask and who knew what she’d face then.

Somebody cleared their throat and murmured, “I don’t think she’s left the ranch for social interaction before.”

Rose stiffened and almost pulled away, embarrassed. Major Mason gently tucked her closer to him while whipping around to pin the speaker with a look that could’ve frozen a volcano. He wasn’t smiling right now.

“Shawn,” Mercedes voice also held a warning.

Rose peeked out from under the giant’s protective stance. Shawn, the Viking guy looked unrepentant. He simply shrugged and then smiled at Mercedes.

She remembered reading in the many emails and disclosures she’d signed that the host would try to provoke reactions. Was that what Shawn was doing? Whatever it was, it was humiliating.

“Forgive him,” Major Mason said in his husky drawl, looking down at her from much too close. “His mama did not raise him right.”

Shawn harrumphed and glared even hotter, but thankfully he said nothing. Even the Viking could be intimidated by the giant.

Mercedes laughed and Rose found herself smiling.

“Agreed,” Rose said. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Major Mason.”

“Please. Call me Bennett.”