Please send help. Please let him live.
Brylee wasnear frantic when she finally heard the helicopter rotors. Men said words to her that she couldn’t understand and lifted her away from Cash’s side. She didn’t scream or rant like she wanted to. She prayed inside and didn’t respond outside.
A lady and man started working on Cash. Two men handcuffed Danny and Truman, even though she was certain they were dead.
Shawn and Mercedes must’ve arrived in another helicopter. All she knew was they were suddenly there, each supporting her. Shawn’s arm was around her waist and Mercedes held her other elbow. Mercedes said a lot of comforting things while Shawn ordered people around.
She didn’t think Shawn was such an imitation Thor now. He could pass for the real thing. She could understand why Mercedes was with him.
But Cash …
Brylee tried not to flip out, push the workers away, and fling herself on him. They let her load up into the helicopter with him. He had an oxygen mask on, an IV in, and the medics werechecking his wounds and applying pressure on his abdomen and tourniquets on his arm and leg.
The helicopter swooped off into the night. Mercedes and Shawn pressed tight to her sides as there wasn’t much room in the helicopter. Their presence was comforting, but nothing could truly comfort her.
“Cash?” she lifted her voice to be heard over the helicopter rotors, looking to Shawn. He’d tell her the truth.
His icy blue eyes offered little encouragement. “The hospital isn’t too far away,” he called back.
She nodded and studied Cash. Would he make it?
Prayers were on constant repeat in her mind. She wanted to call her parents and tell them to ask her siblings and their spouses, the pastor and all their church friends, neighbors, cousins, the meat and produce guys at the market to pray and to not stop.
Small dots of light showed they were approaching land. The lights increased and soon they flew over a coastal city, she assumed on St. Lucia, and landed at a hospital helicopter pad. Brylee watched helplessly as they unloaded Cash and wheeled him off.
She tried to follow, but one of the men stepped in front of her. “I will escort you to a waiting area, miss,” he said, his island accent making the words sound not as demanding, but she definitely wasn’t being permitted into the operating room.
Brylee walked with heavy steps. He took them into a quiet waiting room with white walls, tiled floor, and hard chairs, not much bigger than her bedroom at home. He kindly asked if he could get them food or drinks.
Mercedes looked at Brylee. “Have you eaten?”
“We ate sandwiches earlier. I’m fine.”
“Bring her some water and snacks and a blanket,” Shawn instructed.
Brylee shouldn’t be cold, but she was.
“Thank you,” Mercedes said sweetly.
The man smiled at Mercedes, earning him a dark look from Shawn. Then he hurried off.
“What can we do?” Mercedes asked.
“Pray,” she croaked out.
“I have been.”
“Can I use your phone to call my parents?”
“Of course.” Mercedes pulled the latest iPhone out of her purse, held it to her face to open it, and handed it over.
“Don’t say anything about the show or those men,” Shawn instructed.
The show. She couldn’t care less about the show. She only nodded to him and stood, dialing the number she thankfully had memorized.