Day four was long.That was all Cash could think about it. They hacked their way up the opposite side of the waterfall, starting in far enough from the edge that there was no danger. They found a flag halfway up, maybe fifty yards away from the falls. No treasure anywhere near it. The flag was in line with his developing theory. What he wouldn’t give for an aerial view of the island. Sadly, on the way in they’d come straight across the ocean and then landed near the waterfall.
At the top, they stopped for a well-deserved break and lunch. Cash was in incredible shape, but the muscles in his upper back and right arm were close to exhaustion from all the work with the machete. Unfortunately, he was not as effective with his left hand, though he tried to spell himself off with it occasionally.
Cash hadn’t slept well last night. Brylee’s soft breathing and appealing body close by hadn’t helped.
He was a mess. He wanted to love her and never leave her, but that could never happen. Thoughts of calling off this treasure search and getting her back home safe had plagued him all night and throughout the day. He could say goodbye and let her do miracles with the money he’d gift her from his five million.Would Mercedes allow that? He’d somehow force her to. What if he didn’t get the five million because he didn’t finish the week out, like Shawn had intoned? That would be bad.
Hurting Brylee would be worse.
Cash snuck glances at her as he downed a huge sub sandwich he’d prepared from their supplies for lunch. She smiled at him—innocent, beautiful, obviously at peace.
If only he could say the same.
They finished their lunch, and he started slamming his machete around, creating a new trail bisecting the southwest side of the island. He tried to stay about halfway between the high point of the island and the beach. Hopefully they could see any flags up high or down low. Sometimes he glimpsed the ocean through the trees, but most of the time it was just green and more green.
All he wanted to do was drop the machete, spin around to face Brylee, sweep her off her feet, and kiss her until he felt better. The instant he had her in his arms, he’d feel better. He knew he would. It was almost time for a break. What was wrong with a short kissing session?
Gritting his teeth, he prayed for control and help, and he impressively kept moving forward. If his theory was correct, there should be a flag in this area.
“Cash!” Brylee called from behind him.
He straightened and lowered the machete, glancing back at her. “Yeah?”
She grinned, her blue eyes all lit up, just the way he liked them. Was she going to tell him it was time to kiss for a long, long time? He really needed a break. Where was the closest stream to wash off and then kiss in?
“A flag.” She pointed to the right.
“Oh. Yeah. Oh, that’s … good.”
She gave him a concerned look.
Cash forced a smile to reassure her and then turned in the direction of the flag. He knocked and cut and pushed, stupidly plowing through the greenery so fast and so hard he didn’t even get the chance to lift Brylee over any obstacles. Dang.
They reached the flag. The pink and white stripes fluttered softly in the breeze. He set down the machete and slid off his backpack, leaning it against a bush. It was a relief to have it off and to shake out his hand and stretch. Brylee took her pack off and set it on top of his so the camera could still have an angle. She was thoughtful. He couldn’t care less if the camera missed some shots. Her eyes darted up into the trees and around.
Cash followed her gaze instead of staring at her like he wanted to. How could she look so beautiful after hours of sweaty hiking, none of the makeup products that women seemed to like to put on, except her blasted irresistible lip gloss, and no sleep in that infernal, too-small, hot, miserable, cinnamon and vanilla and Brylee-scented tent?
Oh, wait. She had slept last night. It was just him that had lain awake, slowly inhaling her delicious scent and clenching every muscle in his body to keep from reaching out for her.
“Cash!” She eased in and wrapped her soft hand around his arm. His body immediately revved up.
He looked down at her. Was it time to kiss? He probably reeked like a foul, sweaty, disgusting mess, while she somehow still smelled like cinnamon.
Ahhh. He eased in closer and savored her scent. He was so drawn to her.
“Look.” She pointed down.
Cash looked. The ground had recently been turned over. Right below the flag.
His stomach swooped, and he wasn’t sure if it was excitement or apprehension. He wanted Brylee to win the million dollars, but no matter how hard it was to be close and notfuse his mouth to hers every other moment, he didn’t want their time together to end. What excuse would he make to be close to her after she won the money and they went back home?
There was none. He’d be alone, busy setting up new gyms and working with financial advisors to invest and use the five million wisely to make it last as long as possible after he was gone.
Gone. Dead. Never to smile with, laugh with, and kiss Brylee again. It was torture to realize what he’d miss out on.