Adam took off running. It looked like he was heading for their boat.
Danny shot again, hitting the top of the rock Cash was crouched behind. Cash edged around, pulled the trigger, and shot him in the hand. He yelled louder, and the gun slipped out of his bloody fingers and clattered to the ground.
Cash dodged around the rock, aiming the gun at Danny. “Adam,” he hollered as the man dodged into the tree. “Stop or I shoot.”
“I’m stopping, I’m stopping,” Adam cried out.
Danny glared daggers at Cash, cradling his bloody arm and hand against his abdomen, but his eyes kept dropping to his gun on the ground.
“Don’t do it,” Cash warned. “I didn’t want to kill you, so I disabled you, but I can place a shot exactly where I want to. I won’t hesitate to shoot you through the heart if you reach for it.”
Danny stared at Cash, and then he swallowed and admitted, “I believe you.”
“Adam, get back out here,” Cash demanded.
Adam slowly eased back into the clearing, his hands up.
“You are a waste and no help,” Danny growled at him. “The two of us could’ve taken him. Why did I even bring you along?”
“I hate prison,” Adam whimpered.
“Shut up.”
“Back up away from that gun,” Cash said.
Danny grimaced, but obeyed.
Cash stepped forward, quickly picked up the gun and stowed it in his waistband.
“Adam. Throw your gun and knives out, slowly. Danny, I want your knives.”
Adam tossed a gun and a knife at him. Danny threw one knife as well.
“Is that all?” Cash pinned them with a searching look. “I don’t want to search your ugly bodies.”
Danny pulled another knife from a lower pocket and tossed it into the growing pile. Adam pulled a knife from a lower pocket and his sock and added to the weapons.
“You two back up to the creek and sit on the ground,” Cash instructed.
They obeyed.
“Brylee,” Cash called. “Tell Shawn to get help here now.”
“Okay,” Brylee called back. She lifted the phone and pushed call back on the nine missed calls from Shawn.
Cash was incredible, a one-man army, but everything felt off and scary now. She’d felt so isolated, protected, and in a different world on their little island. Who had told those men about the million dollars that she and Cash hadn’t even found? Would others come after it?
“Cash!” Shawn’s voice was harsh and angry.
“Send help,” Brylee begged. “Two men. Guns. Cash disarmed them.”
“Okay, Brylee, calm down. The St. Lucia Coast Guard is on their way. You and Cash are safe?”
She somewhat registered Shawn’s words and was surprised that his voice was kind and almost comforting.
Cash. At least she had Cash. He’d protect her.
Could he ever return her love? If she could somehow get past whatever dark sadness lived in his eyes … maybe.