“Nothing,” he admitted, partially wishing he’d found the treasure and would be rewarded with a kiss, partially grateful they had more time together. Both thoughts were selfish and not what he should be focusing on.
“Not a hint of bonny treasure, me fearless Captain?” She sounded like a pirate. “Fear not. We shall conquer this challenge. Together.” She dropped her voice and said in a tough, male sounding voice, “Us against the world.”
He couldn’t help it; he smiled. He liked her stealing his expression and imitating his voice, liked ‘together’ with her.
When Mercedes Belle had entered his office, Cash had imagined he’d entered an alternate reality. Now he realized this beautifully exotic island and even more beautifully exotic woman were the true alternate reality. A reality that couldn’t be his life. Was it wrong to savor these moments with her?
Shaking his head, done with all the introspection, Cash strode to her and picked up his backpack. “All right, Brylee. Let’s go conquer this island.”
“Let’s do it. My fearless leader?”
“Yes?” He glanced at her, and she was raising her hand like a child in school. Cute.
“Can I have a granola bar before we head out for recess … please?”
He chuckled. She was adorable. And a whole lot of other complimentary descriptors that he shouldn’t dwell on. “Isuppose we can savor the view a moment longer and let you eat something.”
“You are truly my hero, Captain Trapper.”
Cash wanted to be her hero and a whole lot more.
They slid their backpacks off. Neither of them had eaten lunch, so they indulged in a variety of packaged goods—trail mix, protein bars, jerky, dried fruit, and water. It all tasted delicious. After the deprivations of SERE training, Cash would never take a meal for granted in a survival setting.
Even more enjoyable than the food was talking with Brylee. He asked her questions about her family. She shared a lot—eight brothers and sisters, in-laws, nieces and nephews, two parents, four grandparents, and only one grandpa in heaven.
What would that be like? To be surrounded by people who not only shared your blood and background but were invested in your life and loved you fiercely … It was out of his sphere.
Before she strapped her backpack on again, Brylee pulled that small red tube out of her pocket and swiped it over her lips.
Her lips glistened at him. Issuing an invitation?
He had to look away.
She’d promised him a kiss and some pumpkin bars. The kiss sounded more delicious than the treat, even though he loved pumpkin bars.
He was in so much trouble.
Brylee followedCash up the side of the stream. They’d tried to look around and view the rest of the island from their vantage point, but all they could see was the waterfall, their little camp, and the beach and ocean beyond that to the south. At least Cash had said it was south.
Looking around the other directions, there were only lush trees, bushes, undergrowth, rocks, blue sky above, the stream, and more and more and more trees.
They talked a lot as they walked at the edge of the stream, mostly about her family and hometown. Cash drew her out easily but didn’t return the favor of answering her questions. He was skilled at turning the conversation back on her.
They also searched for flags. Twenty-five flags on the island. Shouldn’t some be at least peeking at them, luring them to go a certain direction?
Nope. They’d found one. Just the one. Brylee was getting a little desperate. Her feet and legs were achy, and her backpack was digging into her shoulders and sweaty against her back. Come to think of it, she was sweaty everywhere. Gross.
Was this challenge even possible? The sun dipped toward the ocean to the west. Dipped? More like raced, sprinted, zipped toward disappearing on them.
She’d thought the top of the waterfall would be the highest point, but they had been walking slightly uphill for a while. Now she could see the view to the west. A little beach, a lot of ocean, and that rapidly lowering sun.
They reached a spot where the water bubbled out from gray and moss-covered rock. The stream disappeared and more trees and growth encroached from the north.
Cash set his backpack and his machete down on a dry spot of rock. Brylee slid her backpack off, grateful to be relieved of its constant weight. Cash took it from her and set it down.