Brylee stopped a foot away from Mercedes. The lady kept coming, grasping her upper arms in her small, soft hands, then brushing each of her cheeks in an air kiss. Her rich floral perfume was as beautiful as she was, and it overpowered even the smell of damp leaves and tropical flowers.
Brylee was underdressed in a comfortable T-shirt, running pants, and shoes, her long hair in a ponytail. Mercedes looked like a supermodel, her makeup a work of art. The silver dress molded to very large curves upstairs and far too skinny limbs on the bottom. She was gorgeous, but Brylee wasn’t certain proportions like that were humanly possible.
“Brylee Auburn, you are the most gorgeous redhead on the earth,” Mercedes said. “I love how your hair matches your last name.”
Brylee had read and reread through the emails she’d received. She hadn’t quite understood what they’d meant about ‘be prepared for exaggerations and inflammatory statements from your show’s host. Use your own unique flair to reply and make the show even more interesting.’
When Mercedes winked slyly for only her to see, she realized the ‘inflammatory statements’ were only beginning. Most people probably wouldn’t even take Mercedes’ words as a shot, but Brylee hated being teased about her hair and had typed that in on the paperwork under ‘Sensitive Subjects.’ Her ex-boyfriend had told her he’d stay with her only if she dyed her hair. He also made sure she knew that the ‘average blonde’ he’d replaced her with was equal to her as a ‘gorgeous redhead’ because men were not drawn to redheads.
She pushed Mark’s jerky words away. Apparently even the prelude to dying for her cause wouldn’t be easy or fun. She shouldn’t have given them any ammo in the sensitive subject section.
“I’d say ‘flaming redhead,’ not auburn,” the blond Thor muttered to the cameraman just loud enough for her to hear.
Brylee’s back straightened as Mercedes and the dark-haired hunk both shot the imposing blond dirty looks.
Luckily, she didn’t have to think how to respond to the jerk as Mercedes continued, “Ooh! You will be perfect. Absolutely perfect. The camera is going to eat you up.”
Mercedes grinned as if they were the best of friends. Brylee had always been impressed with what she’d seen publicized about the generous sweetheart. Her family money was insane. She’d taken her monthly annuities and become even more famous and wealthy as an influencer and talk show host and creating her own perfume, clothing, and jewelry lines. Tragically, she’d lost her mom as a teenager and then her half-brother had died as a military hero a couple years ago. The show was being dedicated to Lieutenant Grayson Travier.
“Are you truly from Hickville, Texas?” Mercedes asked. “I couldn’t believe it was really called that. I researched you and your town. I so admire you rising above the demographic, getting your doctorate degree, and then moving back home to help your family, friends, and thousands of refugees. Incredible.”
Brylee thought she should say thank you. The ‘demographic’ was a bit of a shot, but her town was depressed economically and since the children weren’t required to go to school past the eighth grade, some of them never even attempted to get a high school diploma and simply worked their family’s land or got a factory job. It was sad. Brylee tried to help and inspire, but her main focus was on rescuing refugees pouring across the border and at desperate risk of being trafficked.
“Southern rednecks,” the blond man muttered. “They don’t even go to school.”
“Watch it,” the dark-haired guy snapped, his arm muscles bulging as he clenched them tightly across his broad chest.
The blond gave him an ugly look, but luckily shut his mouth.
“You truly have my utmost respect,” Mercedes reiterated, as if trying to cover the jerk’s underhanded statement. Brylee wondered, though, if the man’s comments were scripted. Make him look like the jerk and Mercedes the angel, but still stir up conflict? It would make sense.
Sneaking a glance at her military counterpart, she saw his lips had drawn into a firm line and there was a flicker of annoyance in his dark eyes.
Brylee felt more than a flicker of annoyance. Even if Mercedes disapproved of the man’s comments, she may have secretly encouraged them to increase her new reality show’s ratings with some conflict right off the bat. Brylee’s gut churned. She didn’t appreciate disparagement of her hometown. The people of Hickville were her people, and she would defend them.
“I am from Hickville, but I don’t rightly know about the school thang.” She assumed a thick ‘hick’ accent. Different accents made the children laugh, and she’d become somewhat of an expert at a few of them. She’d thought of using the talent of sorts on the show—‘her own unique flair,’ as the producers had advised. “I personally had to stop ma schoolin’ after I completed a doctorate degree in human relations and religious studies. I didn’t learn much, not my letters or anythin’ difficult like that.” She smiled sweetly. “Though those teachers did try an’ learn me that you’re supposed to be kind to your neighbor, and a few more high-falutin’ ideas about charity. Those theories must notta caught on outside of Texas’s fair borders.” She focused on the blond guy for emphasis.
A burst of laughter from both Mercedes and the military man brought a grin to Brylee’s face. Brylee shared a conspiratorial smile with the tough, dark-haired man before focusing onMercedes. The Thor guy was glowering but said nothing. He was intimidating, petty, and became less good-looking with each passing moment. She wouldn’t think of him as Thor anymore; it was insulting to the handsome Avenger. At least her military hero could laugh with her.
“Ah, I love you,” Mercedes gushed. “‘Charity never faileth.’ My Grams used to always say that if I got snippy.” She leaned in and whispered, “I hope you and the kind and generous people of Hickville will forgive Shawn for goading you. I’d heard you could do accents and had a wicked wit, and the producers wanted to bring that out right up front.”
Mercedes gave her an impulsive hug. Brylee still thought her perfume was too strong, but she immediately liked her.
“Don’t apologize,” Brylee said, hugging her back. “You got me. I almost threw a bless your heart in there.”
Mercedes chuckled, and the military man smiled. “Come now. I didn’t do anything bad enough to warrant that from a southern beauty.” She winked. Despite her setting up Shawn’s goading, Brylee really did like her. How a drop-dead gorgeous billionaire heiress could come across as genuine and welcoming was beyond her. Besides a few college associates, she’d never met anyone who could claim true wealth.
Mercedes linked their arms and turned her toward the three men. “Let’s introduce everyone and get this party started.” She smiled and sauntered toward Shawn, the cameraman, and the dark-haired military guy.
Brylee kept up, pasting on a confident smile of her own. Despite Mercedes showing she was on her team, the laughter from the military man and the welcoming smile he now gave her, insecurity washed over her.
She’d thought Shawn was intimidating, but the dark-haired avenging angel was one handsome and buff-looking dude. Hehad a slight smile on his intriguing lips, but it was obvious he could crush her without breaking a sweat.
How could she be an equal partner to this specimen of a man?
“TheBrylee Auburn, creator of Liberation Crew, has established a safe house where immigrants can be protected from human traffickers while they wait for their sponsors or safe transportation to unite them with their sponsors.” Mercedes spoke her lines as if Brylee had created a cure for cancer. Her voice was full of emotion and fanfare, and her smile was sincere, glowing, and beautiful. No wonder she was lauded as the most beautiful, wealthy, and generous woman of their day. “Beautiful Brylee … we are in awe of your generous gifts of time, talent, and ingenuity. Thank you for inspiring all of us and blessing the lives of so many.”
“Thank you,” Brylee managed, her throat suddenly thick. She worked countless hours, using every resource and idea she was blessed with, and received many thanks from the people she helped. But to be recognized from such an illustrious lady, and to know the world would see the praise, made her humble and a little emotional. “Thank you for your generosity and for offering this chance to help so many more than I ever could on my own.”