“You are right. I am sure there is someone in this room who hasn’t yet heard that I am your future wife, and you are about to become the father of that wonderful young woman over there.”

Beth looped her arm through Chad’s, and they made their way through the crowded room once more.

By the time the clock at the top of the grand staircase struck ten, the crowd had started to disperse. The children who had spent their evening enjoying their own entertainments in less expensively appointed rooms of the house were collected from the young people hired to supervise them, and the families made their way home to rest and prepare for their family Christmas celebrations the following day.

Sarah made arrangements to meet Beth and Chad at the church the following morning, then adjourn back to the Harrington house for a quiet brunch just the two of them, and then Eric would pick them up at two in the afternoon for Christmas dinner at Tom and Natalie’s.

Christmas day flew by in a flash, and before Beth realized it, she and Chad were buckled into their seats on board the plane back to Florida. She silently wiped a tear from her cheek, but not before Chad caught sight of it.

“We will figure something out, Beth. Let’s get past the wedding and this new phase in our careers, and we will figure something out. I promise you will see your grandchildren grow up.” He lifted the hand in her lap to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, then rested their joined hands on his thigh.

“I don’t want to wish my life away or our time together, but I can’t wait until the next phase of our life is already figured out. I just want us to be together and have my family all back in one place. I have never missed the children so much in my life.” She rested her head on his shoulders and wiped another tear from her cheek as the plane began to taxi down the runway.

As the nose of the plane lifted into the sky, she sat back in her seat and thought about all the changes that had happened in such a short time. She felt like she was soaring off into the unknown and was so grateful to have this steady and loving man by her side. Her children’s welcoming of the man she loved into their lives wasn’t unexpected, but the degree of connection already forming was. Soon, her family would be whole again like it hadn’t been in over twenty-five years. She didn’t know if Manny could see her from his place in heaven or if he was too busy singing with the angels to care, but she was sure if he could see her, he would be happy for her and proud of the life she had made.


Valentine’s Day dawned sunny without even a hint of rain in the forecast. Beth and her ladies, consisting of Sarah, Natalie, Annette, and Tom’s younger sister Charlotte, sat in a beautiful suite enjoying a delicious brunch while hair stylists took turns twisting and pinning their hair into updos.

Enrique and his brother Gabriel had gone out of their way to make this wedding ceremony and celebration special and stress-free. The rehearsal dinner the night before had been a wonderful and relaxing time filled with more laughter than Beth thought her ribs could take.

The pastor and his wife from her home church had taken the weekend for a small workcation and agreed to officiate the wedding for her. Sarah, Eric, Saraphina, Tom, and Natalie all arrived on Thursday and enjoyed a day on the sand.

Now, just hours before the ceremony, Beth was at total peace and looking forward to the day’s events. One of the teens from Hickory Falls had agreed to come and watch Phi during the festivities. Sarah had felt guilty for a brief period of time, butEric and Tom quickly convinced her that having fun was not a sign of bad parenting, and she relaxed.

As the sun started to sink lower in the sky, Sarah and Annette helped Beth into her cream gown. There had been a significant discussion at the bridal shop back in January about the proper style for a beach wedding, second wedding, and later-in-life wedding. She finally went with what she felt most comfortable in. It was a simple satin gown with a faux wrap style. A wide satin ribbon wrapped around her waist and attached over her left hip in an elegant bow. Ruching over her waist and lower abdomen hid any imperfections, and three-quarter-length sleeves made the dress look a little more appropriate for a perfectly aged bride. The dress did touch the ground in a skirt that flared just below her hips, so Sarah convinced her to wear wedged, crystal-encrusted flip-flops for the beach portion of the day.

Her auburn hair had grown to mid-back in the past few months, so the stylist was able to do an updo with loose curls that spilled from the top and tendrils that framed her face. She had never felt more beautiful in her life.

The ladies decided to wear coral gowns in a variety of styles and, yes, go barefoot in the sand. The men rolled up their pants and did the same, with the exception of Chad, who insisted on a full tux with fancy dress shoes. He supported the rolled cuffs for the others wholeheartedly, and she appreciated his willingness to let them have fun with the day.

Before she knew it, she was standing on the sidewalk facing the stunning teak arch that the resort had commissioned from Eric as a permanent piece of their wedding display. The small group of her most beloved people clustered before it, waiting for her to walk to the man she loved.

She was surprised by how many of her and Chad’s friends had been willing to drive to the Keys to participate in the day. She supposed it helped that the resort had offered comped rooms toall of their guests. Though she had a feeling Tom was footing the bill for that part.

As she took the slow steps in the sand, she felt so blessed to be experiencing this beautiful day and everyone who came together to make it so special.

When she reached the front, Sarah took her bouquet, and she turned to place her hands in Chad’s. The ceremony was a blur from that point on. They recited their vows and exchanged rings, and then Chad kissed her as her husband. He swept her into his arms and, before she knew what was happening, had dipped her over his arm and kissed her breathless in front of everyone.

She was pretty sure it was Sarah who whistled the loudest and Tom who coughed and said,

“Okay, that’s enough. Save it for later, killer.” But it could have been Eric. She couldn’t be sure from her pulse racing so loudly in her ears.

Chad stood her back up and then escorted her down the makeshift aisle into the ballroom. They started the evening off with a waltz that impressed her children. As they sat down to enjoy the wedding feast served by tuxedoed wait staff, she heard Sarah lean over to Eric and say, “We are learning how to dance. Don’t even think of saying no. You and I both know you are more graceful than I am, and it will be fun.”

“Not going to argue about the graceful part, love. Just not sure you will survive dance lessons with those two left feet.”

Based on the intake of breath that followed, Beth was pretty sure that Sarah had just stabbed Eric with her fork. She couldn’t help but smile. Her life was turning out to be so much different than she had ever imagined, but it was also so much better.

After the toasts were said and the guests were showing fatigue, Beth and Chad said their goodbyes and made their way to the dock where the yacht Chad had chartered was waiting.

Holding her hand as she stepped aboard and then walking to the front railing as the engines came to life and they started to pull away, Chad wrapped his arms around her, placed his lips at her ear, and said, “Beth, I have never been known to be a patient man, but I am so glad I waited to fall in love until you. Thank you for being my friend, my love, and now my wife. I will live every day looking forward to seeing your smile, holding your hand, and kissing your lips. You are the greatest gift I could have ever been given, and I will never take you for granted. I love you now and always.”

“I love you, Chad. Thank you for waiting for me. You were right when you said, ‘The best is yet to come.’”

The kiss they shared overflowed with hope and joy and love. They had enjoyed a strong and lasting friendship, and it had turned into a deep and abiding love.

Three months later