"I know, jeez, don't rub it in."

"So, will you go?"

"Wait, what?" I asked, taken aback.

"It's just to give him some documents, let's do this as a test run."

"But… we look so different," I pointed out.

She assessed my appearance and nodded. "Yes, we do, but that's quite easily fixed."

I couldn't help but admit that I was curious about her boss.

"He doesn't know you have an identical twin, does he?" I asked.

"Nope. He knows almost nothing about me," she replied. Then she stopped herself. "Wait, as I said earlier, he always seems to know more than he lets on. So maybe he does know, hence the need for a test. So if he asks who you are when you go there now, you can make up something like I'm on my way, and if he doesn't ask, then the coast is clear."

"And my hair?" I asked. "How do I explain why I suddenly have a bob rather than a bun and different clothes for that matter?"

She looked at me. "Don't worry about that. He wouldn't notice if you went in with a bikini."

"As if," I scoffed

"I've been working directly with him for over three years, and there hasn't even been a tense moment between us."

"Is he gay?" I asked.

She smiled. "Absolutely not."

"What makes you so sure?"

"You'll see," she said, with a secret smile. "But on second thought, and just to be safe, I'm not looking to lose my job. Let's exchange clothes. We can explain away the haircut, but clothes for sure will be much harder."

I perused her dress shirt, buttoned up almost to the collar, her pencil skirt, and flats.

She smiled again. "You look absolutely disgusted."

"Why do you dress like that?" I asked "You look like Aunt Theresa, only a hundred pounds lighter. Maybe this is why there hasn't been any tension."

"And I am extremely keen for it to remain that way." She gave me a look.

I brushed her concern away. "Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of seducing your boss."

Chapter 2


Her hair was suddenly short. At first, I was startled by this, but ultimately uninterested. However, when I looked at her again, I couldn't help but notice that a few more buttons than usual were released from her shirt. Her breasts were pressing against the fabric, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was I was missing.

I looked at her face, and I realized that within the space of a few hours, she seemed to have turned into a different person. She, however, seemed to be more guarded, as though she were guilty of something because she didn't meet my eyes.

"Here is the report, sir," she said and stood before my desk. She placed it on the surface, and once again, I looked up, wondering what was happening and why she was acting so out of character. So I looked up from the document I had been perusing and leaned back against the chair to watch her.

"My hand can't reach that far," I said, but she just stared at me. Eventually, though, she seemed to understand what was wrong. "You want me to bring it to you?"

I didn't know how to respond to this because it wasn't even a valid question. Of course, I was expecting her to bring it tome just like she had for the last three years; however, now it was suddenly as though she didn't want to come within a year's distance of me.

I didn't have the time to give to any of these sudden changes and peculiarities, so I took the document and began to go through it.