I looked at the message and felt a red-hot rage burning in my chest. If I went where he was, I was most definitely going to be indanger, and I could not and would not put myself at such a risk for anyone, even Lucien Montgomery. But still, I needed a way to defuse this situation, so I wondered what to do. I decided that his threats were worth nothing against the reality of real life, so I switched off my phone altogether and threw it into my bag.

I soon arrived at Sophie's home, and I didn't think I'd ever be so glad to not be alone. I was terrified, I realized, as I stood at her door knocking, and I hated this feeling. I hated the fact that Gregory was making me feel this way and that there was nothing I could do but bear it for the time being. It aggravated me to no end, but I didn't want it to ruin me, so I pushed it out of my mind and waited until she came over to open the door.

"What took you so long?" I immediately started complaining. However, just before I was about to step in, she stood in front of the door and shut it behind her.

I was startled and immediately alarmed, wondering if something had gone wrong, but it soon turned out that this was not the case at all.

"What is it?" I asked, and she smiled at me. However, it was so guilty that I didn't even need to ask what was happening. It was written all over her face.

"Jerald’s here, isn't he?" I asked, and she lowered her gaze.

"He wanted to talk," she said. "I'm hearing him out."

“Just talk?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded.

I continued to stare at her, and then tears filled her eyes.

"I'm not over him, Scar," her voice lowered. "Throughout this week and in my anger, I've been searching for every reason to be, and I found a lot of them. But I've also found some very precious ones that are close to my heart. I just want to hear him out... to hear him explain to me what's going wrong in his head. He never did this before, but here he is now doing exactly what I hadwished he'd done a week ago, and I don't know how to turn him away."

"So is the wedding back on now?" I asked, and she stared at me.

"I just... we just need time to figure things out."

I sighed then and softened my gaze at her because who was I to judge? I was the one who had slept with her boss and attracted a madman within the span of a few days.

"Space and time is what you wanted, and this is the reason we're doing all this, so of course, I'll give it to you. Speak to him, don't lose your head, and call me. Don't make any rash decisions without consulting me first."

She nodded then and leapt forward to hug me. I didn't physically return it because I was just too exhausted and annoyed at everything else. She moved away eventually and looked down at my purse.

"Why did you come here?" she asked. "I thought you were going straight home?"

"I was," I replied, "but I decided to come over here. I think it's because of that pie you baked earlier this morning. It was fucking delicious."

"Really?" she beamed, her face lit up like a bulb. "I still have some, want me to bring it out for you?"

My eyes widened at this. "I'm not even allowed to come into the apartment?"

"I just don't want any interference," she said, "and you two haven’t ever really been on good terms, so I don't want him to close up."

"Jeesh, he's like some flower or clamshell."

"See what I mean," her expression darkened, and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, whatever, bring out my apple pie, and don't tell him I said hi. Tell him he's an ass and he should get his head screwed on straight."

She gave me a look, and then she shut the door in my face and scurried into the apartment to retrieve my designated dessert for the night.

She came back and slid the pie through a crack in the door, mouthed, ‘talk later, sorry,’ and shut the door in my face.

I turned around and exited her building. I took a taxi one more time and stared at my phone, which was still shut off. I decided I was going to leave it this way until the following morning so as not to receive any missed calls. I was exhausted, and it dawned on me that would be my explanation.

I didn't care what his reaction to this would be; hopefully, he would sail off on that yacht, meet some misfortune, and never return. Furious, I shut my eyes and leaned against the seat for a much-needed rest. Eventually, I arrived home, and for the first time after I got in, I not only locked the door behind me but I double-checked, and dragged one of my kitchen island stools over. It was metal and heavy, so I was a bit more assured, but after staring at it, I wondered if my sofa would be more effective.

I decided I was being paranoid, and that there was no need for any of this. So, I headed over to the kitchen for some much-needed hydration. I drained the half bottle of water I found in the refrigerator and afterwards, shuffled over to the counter to start on the pie that Sophie had given to me. I wasn't going to eat dinner anyway, so I didn't bother controlling myself, plus the sweet taste was comforting.

I couldn't help but think of Lucien as I stood by the counter, deep in thought, until eventually, I carried the pie over and went ahead to settle in the living room. I turned on the television but kept the volume on mute, and in no time, and against my will, I was fast asleep.