“No, there wasn’t,” I replied. However, she didn't seem like she believed me, which was amusing. “There truly wasn’t,” I told her. “We agreed on one night, and we both stuck to that agreement, so now it's done.”

“Oh, okay,” she told me and looked toward our boiling chicken soup on the stove in the distance.

“You’ll tell me, though, if there was any lingering awkwardness. I really don't want to return to work and have to find out the hard way that he can't look me in the eye any longer.”

This made me laugh too loud. “Not Lucien,” I replied. “Never him. He’ll look you dead in the eye no matter what and never cower.”

“Yeah, you're right,” she said and got up. “You still haven’t told me how we are going to resolve the issue about our hair being different.”

“We still have a few more days,” I told her. “We’ll figure something out before then.”

“Sure,” she replied and returned to the kitchen.

Chapter 35


There had never been quite a reason in all the years I’d been working for me to either dread or look forward to going to the office. No challenge had ever seemed insurmountable enough to cause me any sort of dread, but I did find that as I headed over today I felt both emotions strongly.

Unless I was the only one thinking of things more than was necessary, I couldn’t help but wonder how we were going to navigate our way in the light of this new route in our relationship.

We’d seen every part of each other's body completely naked, fucked till we’d both fallen asleep in the other's arms and yet I was supposed to act like none of that mattered and simply just treat her as my personal assistant?

It was apparent to me now that my proposition had made absolutely no sense, even though back then, it seemed like a brilliant idea.

The thing is that I had ex-girlfriends in the past that I'd never had a problem with seeing or working with afterward, therefore this was the same logic and expectation I had applied for Sophie. I was frustrated by my sudden lack of emotional self-control.

She arrived late, which was unusual because she usually arrived before I got there. So when I headed past her desk and into my office and she was nowhere to be found, I was a bit surprised.

I continued with my morning until work officially began and I heard a knock on the door. I didn't respond but she knew to come in and the handle was pulled down and she walked in.

“Good morning, sir,” she greeted softly as she headed over, and all I sent over was a nod that I hoped she'd catch.

“Schedule highlights for today,” she said as she placed a clipboard containing my highlights by my side, and then she stood back for a moment.

I glanced at it to confirm that there were no surprises. However, one new item, in particular, caught my eye.

“We’re meeting Gregory?” I asked and looked up then to meet her gaze.

I was struck by how familiar she seemed. First of all, she looked absolutely gorgeous as she usually did, but today it was as though she had softened everything about her. Her makeup was minimal and her cheeks flushed, as for attire she had on a light pink corseted top and a dark corduroy skirt that went all the way down past her knees to her calves.

I didn't need it to be shorter to appreciate her figure since the fabric was nearly glued to her skin, and the silhouette it formed reminded me of the exciting memories we shared.

“Yes, sir,” I noted her response.

In an instant, I lost interest in the folder in my hand, so I leaned back against the chair to watch her.

“Is he coming over to the office? Have you communicated this with the investment team?”

“Yes, sir, I have,” she replied. “However, from what I was able to gather, it didn't seem as though he would be coming to the office just yet.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“He's suggested to have lunch together for a friendly discussion and a continuation of where you two stopped yesterday in London.”

“Oh,” I said, not surprised this was the route he was going to take.

There was something about him that I disliked. It always put me on edge, so at this announcement, I decided to work hand in hand with the team to ensure that there were no grounds for him to schedule another casual meeting like this again.