Nancy: At this time? It's nearly midnight.

Me: It's a business trip.

Nancy: I thought we could go clubbing after.

I sent her a sad face emoji.

Through all of this, I avoided Lucien’s gaze and finished my food.

He didn't rush me; instead, he engaged quite normally with the rest of the group until I knew I had to comply or risk offending him, plus, and in all honesty, something in my mind told me that we for sure weren't going to be working, and I could barely wait.

"I’m sorry but I’m going to have to call it a night," I said.

Gregory smiled at me and then looked between me and Nancy.

"Do you need to leave as well?" he asked.

"Oh no, I have all night free." she shook her head.

I didn't miss his jeer, but truly I didn’t care. I just wanted to be out of here, and so I rose to my feet.

"Do you want me to call my driver for you?" Gregory asked. "He can drive you back to your hotel."

"No, I'll take her," Lucien said, and before anyone could protest, he rose to his feet.

"It was great seeing you, Gregory," he said. "We'll catch up in New York?"

Brief and to the point.

"Sure," Gregory replied and got up to his feet.

"Nancy," I leaned forward to hug her.

"It was great seeing you again," I said.

She sent an apologetic gaze toward me. "I'm sorry," she mouthed, but I shook my head to dismiss the apology.

"Unnecessary," I said. "Say hi to your baby girl for me. Hopefully, I'll be back again soon to meet you both." I whispered into her ear. She nodded, and I smiled in response.

“Mr. Gregory,” I sent him a smile, and he nodded and held out a hand.

“You’re an extremely gorgeous woman, Miss Turner,” he said. As his handshake lingered, I was very well aware that this was not in any way an offhand comment. He even stroked underneath my palm, and I wondered for a moment if anyone saw it. I didn’t have the confidence to look, so I simply smiled and tried to pull away; however, he didn’t budge so easily.

“I can’t wait to see you in New York,” he said. “I’ll be there soon.” I looked toward Lucien then and could see the slight annoyance in his expression.

He turned around and walked away, and I was finally able to pull my hand away so that I could leave.

It was awkward, and I guess it was easy to chalk it up to me just overthinking things, but that stroke in the middle of my palm had been intentional. I didn’t know what it meant, but I was sure that it didn’t exactly bode good news for me.

Still, I smiled at him and went on my way, but I couldn’t help but feel slightly sorry for Sophie because he would be her problem to deal with.

As I followed my boss out, however, I had to wonder why I was so averse to Gregory. He wasn’t old, but mature; he was good-looking and sophisticated. However, as we arrived outside the premises I watched Lucien pull out his phone to make a call and I completely understood.

His presence was formidable.

From everything I had learned about him so far, and from the way he had made me feel, every other advance from anyone else at this time tasted like bile in my mouth. It was absolutely ridiculous; but after the memory of him fucking me so deeply that I could feel the head of his cock all the way to the end of me, I couldn’t even call myself out on his.

For now and for all intents and purposes, he was the one that I wanted and I was going to completely give into it.