"I know what you're thinking."

I didn't deny this possibility.

"Okay," I replied, and her face weakened as though she was about to cry again.

"Sophie, come on."

She reached forward and hit my shoulder. "I need you to be on my side right now."

"That's why I'm not saying anything," I replied.

"So, do you think I should?"

"Should you what?" I asked, hoping that she would quickly abandon this horrendous notion.

"Do you think I should give up?"

"He wants you to," I replied, and tears filled her eyes again. I leaned forward then and pulled her into my arms.

"You know what Mom always used to say," I said. "Time resolves all problems so…"

"You think I should give it time."

I was hesitant to say this as well, so she leaned away to look at me.

"You never liked him."

"It's not just him I don't like," I said.

She sighed.

"He's okay, but you, I love, so I say, take the time off and let's see how you feel."

She pulled away from me. "I can't take the time off right now."

"Why not?"

She picked up her purse, and we began to leave. "Things are hellish at work, and my boss doesn't understand what excuses are. I can't leave."

"What do you mean your boss doesn't understand what excuses are?"

She shrugged in response, and we walked on to catch a taxi. One stopped almost as soon as we reached the stand. Inside she turned to me.

"What?" I asked.

She narrowed her gaze at me but didn't say a word. Then she shook her head and looked away.

I wondered what gears were turning in her head, but knowing her, I knew she primarily wouldn't spit it out until she had thought it through properly.

"We still look alike, right?" she asked out of the blue, and the question startled me.


"I asked, we're still identical, right? Indistinguishable."

"I have no idea," I said, "but we haven't been mistaken for one another for a long time."

"That's because your style changed in college. Your makeup is bolder, your hair's a bob, your outfit…"