Slowly, but surely complete mental incoherence was sure to come sooner or later. The way he took his time with me as though he couldn’t appreciate my body enough was overwhelming. As though he had no inhibitions… like I belonged to him and he had all the time in the world.

I couldn’t believe it or him.

I loved every single fucking moment of this and couldn’t wait for him to devour me till I lost my mind.

There was just something about the grip of his hands and how they touched and held me, as well as the viral gorgeous strength that I felt with every flex that turned me on so immensely.

I could barely catch my breath, but then when he lifted me and set me on the surface beside the pool it was even harder to regulate my emotions and movements.

I knew what he wanted to do and I was beyond ready. However at first, I felt self-conscious but then when I reminded myself that I wasn’t Sophie and so I didn’t have to deal with working so closely with a man that had seen every bit of me afterthe present week had passed, I completely let loose and lowered onto my back.

He didn’t even bother pulling my thong down my legs. Instead, he pulled the tiny black lace aside and I was fully exposed before him. I felt so wet and so heated that the moment he lowered and covered my mound with his lips, I nearly combusted. The heat, the fire of his suction… the pressure of his naughty expert tongue, I cried out. Nothing was stopping me, nothing holding me back and I just couldn’t contain myself.

I was sure I called out his name, but not till he slid two fingers inside me and then sucked on my clit at the same time did I truly hear the volume of his name falling from my lips.

Lucien… Lucien I call out again as I rocked onto his fingers and mouth.

It didn’t take long for me to come. I was writhing so hard against the floor, my toes curling and my hand caught in my hair, pulling trying to contain the unbelievable sensations of unhinged lust.

I moaned and thrashed around almost unable to bear it as I was dragged to the edge. Eventually, and with his persistent technique, I was thrown off the cliff and I gave in to the waves. It was beautiful. My eyes were wide open but I could see absolutely nothing above me. “Fuck,” I swore but he didn’t even let me recover.

He caught me once again and before I could register anything that was happening, I was pulled back into the water and was being kissed senseless. I could taste myself on him and it was filthy but the way it mixed with his essence and mine, was unbelievable. I threw my arms around his neck and he kissed me even harder. I could do this forever I realized and I continued to writhe against him, but all too soon he pulled away and I nearly cried.

Nearly truly cried and it was so embarrassing that I was startled for a moment.

“You good?” he asked as he turned me around like I weighed nothing more than a rag doll, and I didn’t know what to say. I did nod though, preferring this to admitting outrightly that the railing at the edge was the only thing keeping me standing despite the fact we were in the shallow part of the pool.

I responded with all of me, and held back nothing, ensuring that all the effort he was putting into making me perhaps have the best sex of my life was incredibly appreciated.

He was fast and yet slow at the same time, close and yet far and it all just seemed unreal. As though I was in some sort of trance.

My full ass was pressed against his cock then and I couldn’t help but grind into it. He grabbed me by my waist and I nearly melted.

Then he whispered into my ear, his voice coarse and smooth.

“Are you on birth control?” he asked.

It took a while for the question to register but when it did my eyes shot open.

“I am,” I replied but I was still a bit hesitant.

He seemed to feel this because he proceeded to ask. “Would you prefer I used a condom?” His warm breath washed over me. I shut my eyes and gave this some serious thought or as serious as I could as he began to rock his cock between my cheeks.

“You’re clean right?” I asked.

“I am,” he replied. “You?”

“I am,” I said.

“Don’t worry,” he said as I felt his hands go to the string of my thong. He began to pull it down and I was so excited that I could barely stay still.

“If anything goes wrong I have a lot of money to compensate you.”

This was amusing to me.

“You’re willingly advertising yourself as a prime lawsuit candidate?” I asked and I could feel his smile as he kissed me.

“Whatever it takes to feel all of you,” he said as he grabbed my cunt, hard.