I immediately heard the flow of pee down into the toilet bowl, and I sighed.


"Sorry," she croaked. "I'm fucking exhausted. What do you need?"

"Well, apparently, he has a panel this morning that you were supposed to tell the driver about, but didn't. He sent some messages and a voice note this morning about changes that needed to be made in his presentation."

It took her a while to process all of this, and then she yawned.

"Yeah," she said. "Right, that's true. Wait! He sent messages."

"Yeah, I found them in your phone on my way this morning."

"Oh, we need to work on that then, his panel is in an hour. You saw my calendar, right? You saw the note?"

"Yes, I did. Now, please focus and show me where they are. If we want this thing to work out, we need to be on top of things. I already don't like the way he stares at me. It's as though he's a hawk zeroing in on its prey."

"He stares at you?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, so is that normal?"

"Absolutely not!" I heard the panic once again slightly rise in her tone. "Damn, he's getting suspicious. I mean, I knew he was vigilant, but not this vigilant?"

"He might have suspicions, but he'll never be able to figure it out as long as he doesn't ever become aware that you have a twin."

"Alright," she said. "At this point, I almost don't care. I stayed up late and slept in for the first time in forever, so if he finds out and wants to fire us as a result, then I'm almost happy."

This made me smile as I perused through the rest of his activities for the day.

"So now you're praying to get fired?"

"No, I'm just realizing that I've been too rigid with my life. It's time to let loose a bit."

"Honey, we live in New York," I reminded her. "Unemployment in this pocket drain is not it."

"Yeah, but then what's the point in being scared when you have a twin sister you can leech off of?"

"I have to pay my law school tuition," I said. "You're the one who's going to have to support me soon, so you better work hard to keep this job. Alright, back to business."

"Yeah," she said and went silent again.

I sighed because I knew just how easy it was for her to fall in and out of sleep. She was probably dozing off on the toilet seat again.

"Sophie," I gritted my teeth, wanting to yell with all my might yet being unable to. She woke up then.

"What? Oh yeah, sorry."

I sighed. "You really needed this break, didn't you?"

"Honestly, more than I realized. I'm starting to feel aches and pains that have been the norm begin to soothe out. I haven't felt this light in years."

"Sophie, work," I groaned as I checked the time.

"Oh yeah, right," she said. "Go to my folders in the downloads section, and you'll see everything related to his company there. It's all organized, so just navigate through the documents and then go to presentations."

I did exactly as she asked and followed her guidance, and in very little time, work was underway. I went through the slides to understand what he would be talking about and what his focus would be so I could facilitate improvements and prevent delays. Eventually, with about fifteen minutes to spare, I was able to look up and take my AirPods out of my ears.

Once again, the feeling of completing a task was incomparable. I stretched and took a few moments to bask in the sense of accomplishment. Unlike Sophie, who had slept like a baby, I was missing some sleeping hours from having to complete some law school reading for my class later that night.