"First of all, tell me where the CFO is and why your boss was so startled by the fact that I wondered if he was still at work?"

"Oh no," she said, worried. I wondered what the problem was.

"The CFO is a bit peculiar in that he likes to come in later in the day. He comes in at about two pm, so he usually leaves late. He's not a morning person."

"Ah," my mouth slightly fell open. "Well then, shit."

"Not shit," she said. "How exactly did it go?"

"Well, going by the question I just asked, there were, as you could imagine, a few blunders."

"Oh no," she said. "I knew we shouldn't have done this. Holy shit."

"For someone who is supposedly heartbroken, you sure do have the energy to still panic," I said.

"You want me to be single and unemployed?"

"Relax, Sophie, it's fine. As long as he has no clue you have a twin, none of my blunders or his suspicion will cause any damage. He'll just chalk it up to you probably being off due to some personal issues. And if he's as nonchalant as you claim he is, then he shouldn't care at all."

"Yeah, yeah," she said. "He's nonchalant about personal business, but it doesn't mean he doesn't notice stuff. And he hates being lied to in any form. That is the one thing sure to get me fired. Maybe I should just ask for some time off. It will be paid. He'll be upset with me, and I truly don't want to disappoint him since this is a client we've been trying to sign for more than a year but…"

"Isn't this supposed to be a week of rest for you?" I asked, and she went silent.

She sighed, "Yeah."

"So what makes you think you and your hero complex abandoning this work so abruptly will bring you a shred ofpeace? We haven't been caught, and I'm sure we won't be, so just stop panicking and tell me where the CFO's office is."

She listened to me and managed to calm down. "It's on that same floor, a few offices down. Just go to the end of that corridor and then turn right; his office is the first door on the right. His name is David Bernard."

"I got this," I said and started to walk. "Corridor though?" I said with the phone against my ear. "That's putting it lightly. This is like a runway. This place is huge. And all these paintings? Are they real? They look expensive."

Suddenly, a few people came out of nowhere, and the impulse to turn away to hide nearly made me twist my ankle.

"Sophie," two out of three of the group immediately caught me. "What are you doing here? I heard you left early for the day."

Just as I was trying to avoid their eyes and think of a response, the only woman amongst the two shot her eyes wide open.

"You went to meet your wedding planner, didn't you? Don't tell me you finished the meeting and came back to work. Oh my God, Sophie."

"I didn't come back because I love work so much," I replied much to her amusement. "The boss called me back."

"Oh oh," one of the men said. "You usually always defend him. He must have royally pissed you off today."

I smiled at this and nodded, even knowing that Sophie was going to kill me. "He did."

"Finally, we're on the same page. Anyway, get going. You're going to David?"

Thanks to Sophie, I now knew who this was. "Yes," I replied and held up the folder in my hand.

"Alright, we're heading home now. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," I said and turned to watch them all disappear into an office at the opposite end. They were all so impeccably dressed with not a hair out of place.

I looked down at the phone then and saw, to my surprise, that the phone was still connected.

"Hey," I called as I placed it against my ear once again. "Did you catch any of that?"

"Yes, I did," she said.