“I didn’t go to Human Resources because I haven’t made a decision yet from what we discussed earlier at brunch.”

“Okay,” he said, and I continued, allowing my head to guide me.

“I, uh… you're heading home now, right, or do you have an appointment?” I asked.

“You know my entire schedule,” he pointed out. “You’re in charge of my entire schedule.”

He was right. That was a dumb question to ask.

“I think I may need to be convinced a little bit more,” I said, and he cocked his head at me in wonder.

“Convinced?” he asked, and I nodded in response.

His eyes then seemed to sparkle with interest, but before we could say another word, we arrived at the ground floor, and the doors slid open. He ignored it and kept all his attention on me.

“And how exactly would you like to be convinced?” he asked.

“I'm not sure of this either,” I said. “Maybe… you could give me some options.”

He stared at me, and then he smiled and shook his head. “I’m hungry,” he said. “I want to eat. Do you want to eat as well?”

I couldn’t help but smile at this. “You’re inviting me?” I asked, and he nodded.

“We can talk more at the restaurant about what exactly you would require to be convinced, and I will see what I can do to make it happen.”

Chapter 47


Iwas glad to know that our day together wouldn’t be coming to quite an abrupt end. For once I had been planning an early evening in and perhaps a movie or the news to take things a bit slow because just as she had told me she needed a break today I as well wanted to give myself one. It couldn't be for days like hers, but it was something I needed. I didn’t want to go to a restaurant though. I wanted to make something myself. I didn't know how to orchestrate this without the invitation to my house meaning that I had other intentions. And so I remained silent, and not till I had collected my keys from Michael and was driving out off the premises with her in the front row did I even discuss dinner plans.

“Where do you want to eat?” I asked, but she didn’t respond. I could tell she was thinking hard. Before either of us could speak, a call came in. I checked and after seeing that it was from Elena, I put it on speaker. In the next second, my sister's sweet voice rang out across the car.

“Luciennn,” she called affectionately, though loudly, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“What's up?” I asked. “I heard you're having the time of your life.”

“Of course, you heard and the bodyguards you hired to stalk me also sent you some pictures of us in the plane, didn't they?”

This I didn’t need to answer because she already knew, so I went right to the point. “What is it?” I asked, and she sighed.

“I was just thinking of you and the unbeatable oil pasta you usually make. My friend here is from Taiwan, so she claims to have made the original one with peanut butter and all, but I couldn’t stop thinking about yours because it is much, much, much, much better. There's absolutely nothing comparable, I swear. And you know I’m not saying this as your sister; it just can’t be believed.”

This made me smile, and even though I didn’t turn to look at Sophie, I could tell that she smiled as well.

“Anyway, just called to check up on you and to find out how things are going over there.”

I was a little surprised by everything currently happening. By her call, and her show of concern. It was all very foreign and unusual. “Since when were you this concerned about me to call in the middle of your vacation?” I asked.

“Not concerned,” she said airily. “We had pasta, I thought about yours, the end.”

I smiled again. “I’m doing fine.”

“And, uh… Sophie? You and Sophie are good?” I turned to her then and slightly cocked my head.

“Why are you asking that?” I asked.

“No reason,” she said a bit too quickly, and I couldn’t help but be suspicious. I also couldn’t help but notice that Sophie as well had turned her face away and was now staring out her window, and it was almost as though she were trying to hide her expression from me. As a result, I suspected something foul atplay here between the two women but couldn’t possibly have any clue what it was.