“Read any interesting novels lately?”

“Not exactly”

“Are you alright?” I asked, and Elena, the devil, could barely hold in her laughter.

“Oh, I’m fine,” she said. “I’m wonderful. My question is, what the hell are you doing here?”

I felt myself pale. “What do you know?” I whisper-shouted to her.

“That you're Scarlett, not Sophie. We're really close. I'm really offended that she thought she could pull one over on me.”

“She isn't trying to pull one over on anybody; she just needed time, and she didn't want to disappoint Lucien with the deal they had coming up.”

“So she deceived him instead by sending her gorgeous twin? I can't believe he thinks you're the same person. I noticed the difference instantly. All that money, and at the end of the day, he's still just a dense man.”

This made me smile. “Please don't tell him; she'll be back in a few days. She just needs to rest.”

“I won't tell him, but somehow he's going to find out. And even if he doesn’t, someday eventually he's going to figure it out.”

“I know,” I sighed.

“Anyway, have fun,” she said, “and you two really do look alike. She's showed me your photo before, and even then, it was uncanny. But seeing you in real life... I don't know whether to be jealous or terrified. I bet without any makeup on, I wouldn't even be able to tell you two apart.”

“The hair,” I said, and she nodded.

“Yeah, that. That's the dead giveaway.”

I released a heavy breath then, and she smiled.

“Go ahead and enjoy yourself. Your secret’s safe with me until it no longer matters. Because it's just too good to keep to myself, so I'll give you a five-year warranty on my silence. And tell Sophie I'm really sorry about her broken engagement. You know that I'll call her. Or will the call go to you? You have her phone?”

“Yeah,” she handed me her phone.

“Sophia!” Lucien suddenly yelled from the foyer, and I quickly input the number. I blew her a kiss on my way out and sent her a grateful look.

“I envy you,” she called out. “How exciting.”

For some reason, her comment made me smile. But when I reached the foyer and saw the angry look on her brother's face, I saw that there was absolutely nothing to smile about because he was pissed.

Chapter 37


Itruly didn't want to step too out of bounds and show overt concern for her, but I was beginning to become worried. She never used to be like this before. But now she was clumsy, easily startled, and just generally less put together than usual. She used to be so calm to be around, which was one of the reasons why I had worked so well with her for so long. But now, I found myself having to be the one to watch out for her, to be sure she didn't fall or break something.

For instance, now I was waiting for her in the car, and I didn't understand why.

I understood her close relationship with Elena, but this was no reason to delay our meeting. Eventually, she arrived and got into the back seat, and I turned my face away.

I let out a deep breath and understood I was ticked off. However, I didn't understand why. It wasn’t just because she was clumsy, but I guess I also wasn't truly looking forward to seeing Gregory.

And as we got close to the restaurant, I had to admit that I was also somewhat worried about her because of him. I'd seen the way he'd treated her that night and the eye he had for her,and I couldn't imagine he was setting up this lunch to simply discuss business. He wanted to see her again in a more casual setting, and I just happened to be in the way.

I couldn’t help but glance at her as I wondered if she would even be able to protect herself.

As if noticing my gaze, she turned and we locked eyes. We both stared at each other. However, not willing to participate in a staring contest, I turned away and returned my focus to the road.

Soon enough, we arrived at the restaurant, and even though we still had about seven minutes to spare, Gregory was already seated and on the phone. The hostess directed us to our seats, and the moment he saw us, a huge smile spread across his face.