“Call him and change the meeting time to two,” I replied. “Deny his request and make up some reason why. I have another client to attend to or something.”

She looked at the schedule once again, as though wondering whether she had missed something, and I quickly explained.

“I want to bring his ego down a notch,” I told her. “Otherwise, he will be a complete nightmare to work with, especially for the staff.”

At this, she nodded, her lips slightly parting to form an ‘oh’ at the intentional strategy, and then she nodded.

I recalled that she had seemed particularly uncomfortable with Gregory the last time we had met, so I wanted to ask her if this remained the case.

I stopped myself because, as she turned around to leave, I reminded myself that this was something I would have never done before our little trip to London. It wasn’t my duty to regulate the attention she received from a client; however, I made the promise to myself that if there were any unfortunate actions, then I would immediately step in.

Chapter 36


“Ugh,” that damn Gregory, I couldn’t help but mutter under my breath as I exited the office and returned to my desk. I'd thought by now that I would be able to see things a bit more neutrally and perhaps even realize that I had overreacted that night at the bar when he’d held my hand, however, I soon found that this was not the case at all.

Still, I continued with my work, which today was mainly occurring between floors as I had to work along with the investment team to ensure that all he needed for his meetings throughout the day was available. Just before noon, I was incredibly famished and hated to wait for a bit to eat when I realized that we would be leaving soon anyway to meet with Gregory. So, I simply munched on the leftover apple pie that Sophie had made the previous evening.

She may have broken up with Jerald, but I was so incredibly glad that regardless, his amazing baking skills had rubbed off on her because every single bite of the pie melted in my mouth in a way that nearly made my eyes roll into the back of my head.

I had decided to cut down on my eating so that I could get into my usual schedule of exercising, which I hadn’t been able todo so far with the recent life changes and travel obligations. As I tasted this, I understood clearly now that the more contact I had with her, the more this would be a challenge.

With the pie in my mouth, I started pulling out my phone and immediately began to text her when suddenly the door to his office was opened and he stepped out. I looked up then and instantly rose to my feet, trying my best to halt my chewing in the process. His secretary smiled at me in amusement, and this reaction was what drew Lucien’s attention to me, or so I thought.

He watched me as I licked my lips, and I wondered what he would say or if he would even say anything at all. To my surprise, however, he walked over to my desk, and his gaze looked down at the remaining piece of pie I had on my plate.

“Are you having this because we’re having lunch late today?” He asked, and I nodded, but then I shook my head. “Not really. It's a snack that I would have had either way at some point; I'm just now getting the time.”

“Oh,” he said, and at his lingering gaze, I recalled that he hadn’t eaten anything at all. Before I could stop myself, I offered it to him.

“Would you like to try some? It’s pretty good and—”

I stopped myself midway. He gazed deeply into my eyes, and that sense of familiarity that I had already felt with him back in London seemed to come right back.

“And what?” he asked, wondering if this was normal at all, that he was questioning me further about this. I truly had expected him to reject me and be on his way.

“My sister ab-“ I stopped myself once again. He cocked his head in wait, and true horror filled my eyes. “Um…” I wondered if it would be strange to him that I took away the sister bit and replaced it with myself. However, he soon solved this dilemma for me.

“Your sister what?” He asked, and I sighed internally. Fuck! Me and my big fucking mouth.

“My sister baked it fresh this morning,” I said, and he nodded.

“Sure, I’d like to.”

He held out his hand, and I handed over a piece. However, he didn’t receive it. “I don’t want to touch it,” he said and instead leaned his head forward. My heart nearly collapsed in my chest. He was… asking me to feed it to him?

I stared at him in shock while he frowned, most definitely because I was wasting time. “Changed your mind?” he asked. “A small piece will do,” he said, and I came back to my senses.

“Sure, sir,” I added and slipped it into his mouth.

He took a bite, and then he chewed as though tasting wine, judging its taste. “It’s good,” he said. “But too sweet.”

I didn’t know what to say to this, so I nodded and returned the rest of it to my plate. “I’m heading to my apartment,” he said. “Come with me.”

“Oh,” my eyes widened with alarm.

“Elena is back, and I want to see her before we head over to the meeting since I have some free time now.”