At the thought, I was struck with why I was worried. I'd never really given much thought to her well-being in the past, but now… and as I watched her, I realized that I cared. She wasn’t just my assistant anymore, but someone whose welfare I was concerned about, and I didn't know how exactly to feel about this.

Our agreement had officially come to an end. Any further personal relations were not ideal; however, there was one question I needed an answer to. I was certain I had asked it theprevious night, but I couldn’t quite remember getting a response for it.

“Why did you and your fiancé break up?” I asked, and her fork stopped midway to her mouth. This, along with her startled expression, would have been quite amusing if I wasn’t dead serious and intent on receiving an answer this time around.

“Uh…” she said as she lowered her hand and swallowed what she was already chewing. “You know,” she said, “the usual differences.”

“What exactly were they?” I asked, and she seemed reluctant to answer. I knew that I was being rather forceful, and so I decided to give her a break, but just before I turned away, she finally responded.

“He lost his mom a few months back,” she said. I didn’t see what that had to do with anything, and I waited for her to give me more context. Which didn’t come.

“He couldn’t lean on you?” I asked, and her brows shot up.

“Um… no,” she said. “That wasn’t it. He just… he felt a bit lost and needed to find his way.”

At this, I frowned. “So you two will get back together?”

She stared at me as though contemplating her answer, and I found I held my breath as well, waiting. I truly wondered what she would say, and for the first time in a very long while, I realized just how nervous I was for a response.

Before she could give it either way, a phone began to ring. I didn’t care.

I needed her to answer the questions, but then she moved her gaze from mine, and I realized that it was her phone.

“Hello,” she answered and listened.

I closed the iPad I had been reading from and got ready to leave.

“Our car’s here, sir,” she said, and I nodded.

I guess it was for the best that our agreement had truly come to an end. I didn't want to lose her as a secretary by even considering taking things more deeply. We both had fun, but I accepted now that it was the end, so I adjusted my mentality appropriately. Afterwards, we were driven to the airport, and in little time, we were back in the air and on our way to New York. I'd slept wonderfully the previous night, much better than I had in a long time, and so I didn’t need the additional rest. I did need the distance from her to rest and prepare myself to focus on immediately getting to work the moment we returned.

Chapter 34


Ihad never been more excited to get home before, but that was until I returned and opened my door. The apartment, in my haste to leave the previous day, had been turned into a complete dump, and so now I was left standing at the door and staring at a completely disgusting-looking space. I needed peace and quiet, and after going into my bedroom and seeing that the clutter was worse, I considered going to a hotel until I remembered that I had a twin who technically owed me. I set my things down in the living room, pulled out my phone, and dialed her.

“I need to sleep,” I told her. “Come over and help me clean.”

“What?” she asked. “And you're back!”

“Sophie, I'm serious.”

“Just come here if your place is dirty. Lucky for you, I have time on my hands, so I've basically done nothing but clean.”

I wasn’t surprised this was her response, so I sighed, considered her offer, and was out of the door in no time. I took a cab straight to her place, and in less than an hour, I was knocking on a different door across the city. When she finally opened the door I realized how happy and eager I'd been tosee her. All through our communication on the phone, she had seemed pretty fine to me, and even sometimes more chirpy and friendly than normal on account of all the free time I had bought her. But now, face to face, I realized that I could truly see how she was faring.

I studied her face and couldn't help but notice that she seemed a bit thinner than usual. I didn’t know if that was on purpose or if it was just that she was forgetting to eat.

"Hello, whore?" she greeted, and just like that, I didn't give a fuck if she was going to starve herself to death; better that there was only one of us in this world than two. Her existence was already causing more problems than I wanted to handle. And so I threw my luggage at her and walked in.

“I want chicken soup,” I told her and headed straight over to her bean bag by the corner. Her apartment was green and yellow and filled with soft colors. It was pleasing to the eye but much too girly for my taste. That white bean bag in the corner, however, was my favorite thing here. In short, it was even more comfortable than her bed, so I collapsed into it, grabbed her blanket, and pulled it over my head.

“Chicken soup,” I repeated at the silence, knowing that she was just standing noisily and watching me.

“I’m not your assistant, ma’am,” she whined even as I heard her go over to the kitchen, and so I smiled and took my bra off, wishing I had the strength to take my shoes and socks off as well.

I wasn’t tired, but I had to sleep if only to forget just how cold and awkward the plane ride with Lucien had been. He hadn't been warm but neither had he been impolite either and I knew enough about how guys could become distant after sleeping with you, but this... this bothered me a lot more than it should have. I didn't need to search too deeply for the reason because it was clear to me. He was handsome, rich, and fucked like a god – basically, a dream I never even imagined I had, until now.