Sophie: No, wait, one more thing, something occurred to me as well.

Me: What?

Sophie: Something extremely devastating and moronic.

I groaned, wondering why I had such a drama queen for a sister.

Me: What?

Sophie: How the hell am I going to explain the sudden change in my hair when I get back in a week?

She had a very valid point. We'd only thought of switching to my style not when it was time for her to come back and still have the same style.

Me: Uh… well he wont believe it was a wig. lol

Sophie: NOT FUNNY! I’m screwed, aren’t I?

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Me: Don't worry. We’ll work something out. Best-case scenario you change your hair.

Sophie: And look like you?

Me: Looking like me got me your boss, and I do look like you naturally, unfortunately.

She sent me an angry emoji, and then finally, the texting for the morning came to an end.

Chapter 33


Iwas looking forward to seeing her. She was a bit late, and although there hadn’t been a set time to come down, I had expected her to be down early enough to join me for breakfast. But now, breakfast was done, and yet she was nowhere in sight. I was growing impatient, especially as we were set to leave in a few minutes, so I picked up my phone and called her.

“Hello, sir?” she greeted, her voice soft and airy through the receiver. I shut my eyes as I savored it.

“Where are you?” I asked. “Aren’t we running late?”

“We aren’t,” she replied, “and I'm in the lobby. I came to pick up your room key so I could handle your luggage and cross-check your room for you.”

“No need,” I said. “It's already done. I'm down here with my luggage.”

“Oh, alright. The breakfast bar?” she asked.

“Yes, the breakfast bar,” I replied.

“Alright, sir, I'll be right there. Oh, I think I see you.” I lifted my gaze then and found her indeed waving. Then, as though she realized what she was doing and deemed it inappropriate, sheput her hand down and then began to walk over. I ended the call and put the phone away.

I tried not to watch her as she headed over, but it was impossible not to as I took in the high-waisted jeans that she had on, molded to her body, and the accompanying tight corset top, I couldn’t help but appreciate just how gorgeous she was. The top had red roses and flowers on it, and her lips were painted a soft pink. Half of her hair was tied backwards, and all in all, she was almost breathtaking to behold.

She kept her expression stoic as she came over to me, but in the end, she let out a soft smile when our gazes eventually met.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, sir,” she said. “We can leave.”

“Eat first,” I said. “We still have time.”

“Oh,” she said and looked around. “Alright,” she replied and left her luggage with me.

A little while later, she returned with a plate. It wasn’t full, and I couldn’t tell if it was because she was a picky eater or that she just wanted to be done as quickly as possible. On her plate were a sausage, some scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit, and that was it. I decided to refrain from encouraging her to eat more as there would be an in-flight meal on the plane, so there was no need to worry.