Chapter 29


Idon’t think I ever enjoyed being so intimate with a woman the way I loved it with her.

There was just something about her responsiveness to me that was so exhilarating and it brought my arousal to a fever pitch.

I enjoyed watching her, I realized as she basically wobbled toward our rooms.

I knew she needed help and previously I would have expected her to ask for it but this version of Sophie seemed to believe that she could lift the whole world with her bare hands. I was inclined to agree as I watched her arrive safely at her room and then begin to dig into her purse for her key card.

When she lost her hold on the purse altogether and it tumbled causing everything to spill out, I realized she wasn’t quite as stable as she had purported.

She gazed down at the spilled contents as though in disbelief and then she looked up to meet my gaze as I arrived by her side.

I could see the frustration in her eyes, so before she lowered to gather everything I held her by the neck and kissed her. I just couldn’t wait any longer, and neither could she because shewrapped her arms around my neck and sucked on my bottom lip. It was so fucking hot and I pinned her against the door and licked deep into her mouth.

The slide of our tongues against the other was hypnotic, and it all took me to a place that I never wanted to come back from.

By the time we parted, I could barely catch my breath as I looked at the lust radiating from her green eyes.

There was something wild in them yet gentle and sweet and it drew me to her like a moth to a flame. I felt exposed and took a step back and lowered to begin gathering her things. The purse had been tiny so there wasn’t too much to retrieve. I picked up her cards, and her phone, then a small bottle. I bounced the bottle a couple of times in my palm as I rose to my feet and looked at her with my heart slamming against my ribs. My dick was throbbing at my zipper knowing where she wanted this evening to go. Her cheeks flamed as she watched the bottle bounce in my hand. She took a deep breath and met my gaze.

“I got in from a pharmacy before going to the restaurant.”

I looked at the small transparent bottle of lube once again and nodded because things were about to get a bit more interesting.

“Open the door,” I said as I handed her purse back minus the lube.

She headed into the room walking directly to the bathroom door and looked over her shoulder to me. I nodded and took a seat on the bed as I continued to stare at the bottle.

It took a few minutes of waiting before the door once again opened and staring at her to gauge her response I asked “Have you been fucked in the ass before?”

It was a very direct question and judging by the immediate pink flush of her cheeks maybe I could have been a bit more subtle in the way that I asked it. It didn’t matter as the question was already out floating in the room.

I loved and appreciated her shyness and found it quite endearing but I grew impatient waiting for her to answer to my question.

“Have you?” I asked again and she leaned against the door to watch me.

Chapter 30


Iwas trying to act aloof and unaffected by his presence and everything he was doing to me, but it was way too difficult. I still couldn’t walk right, but if I was to answer this awkward question, then I at least needed to look as nonchalant as possible. So, while depending on the door frame for support, even though I was acting like I didn't need it, I folded my arms across my chest and tried my best to stare him in the eyes.

I was going to respond and say the truth, but just as I opened my mouth to speak, I recalled that I had a twin sister who I was technically pretending to be and that even after I was gone, this man right here would think that what I was going to say was about her. My sexual escapade wasn’t something I needed her to know about because even though we were identical twins, we didn't share that kind of rapport. I usually prefer to discuss things like this with friends, but with my sister, it was difficult because she was very vanilla and shy when it came to talking about sex making any conversation almost impossible.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," he said, and for a moment, I was glad for the reprieve. When his gaze turned disappointed, I decided there was no point in keepingthis information to myself because if I did, I would be haunted by the fact he was probably assuming I was quite wild and even promiscuous.

It was none of his business whatsoever if this was indeed the case, but it bothered me that a wrong label would be ascribed to me, so I apologized to Sophie in my heart and replied.

"I haven’t been…" damn. I began but yet couldn’t continue with the brazen words I wanted to use.

I tried again, but the words still couldn’t come out as smoothly as his had. It would probably sound more like a squeak, so I used something less hair-raising like a coward.

“Not really no,” I replied, and internally I cringed.

"So you're curious?"