Me: Alright, I’m down for making things interesting, but before I proceed, is it safe to assume that we’re still within the period of our earlier arrangement?

Lucien: What earlier arrangement?

I grew quite frustrated. Of course, he would say this and respond this way. This was all part of the thrill of whatever this was to him.

I sighed then and quickly typed in another message.

Me: You’re not my boss for the rest of tonight, are you?

At this, I watched him smile, and I was so mesmerized by it that I almost didn’t notice he had sent a new message. The moment I did, I looked down and read what he had written

Lucien: I thought our agreement had been duly handled after all we’d both delivered earlier.

Me: You said a night.

The moment I hit send, I immediately regretted it. I couldn't be this brazen. This would make things extremely difficult for Sophie after I left because she was not. To outsiders at least. To me, she was a complete monster.

Me: I understand. Our agreement has been settled.

I sent this and set my phone down, then gave my attention to Nancy and Gregory, who were interrogating her. I knew that it was only a matter of time before he turned his questions toward me. So, I tried to recall as much of Sophie after we started living apart as I could since I couldn’t very well say anything contrary to what her boss already knew about her.

My phone lit up again, and this time around, I couldn’t very well ignore him, so I picked it up and checked for what he had written.

Lucien: Are you wearing panties?

My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets. For a moment, I was reluctant to look up because I didn't know what to say. All in all, the situation just amused me. More than anything now, I just wanted to kiss him, to drown myself in his sweet and marvelous taste once again. Playing this game with him might significantly increase my chances of this, so I sent him a reply.

Me: Not for long.

Just as Gregory turned his attention to me to begin questioning, I rose to my feet.

“Excuse me,” I said. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll come with you,” Nancy said, getting up as well, much to my annoyance.

I couldn’t reject her even though she was the last person I wanted to join me because she was currently interrupting me, but I couldn’t say this to her face, now could I?

“Hey, are you alright?” she asked. “You’ve been quiet.”

I smiled at her as I stared at her reflection through the warmly lit mirror.

“He’s my boss,” I replied, “and that’s a new client we just signed today. I have to behave myself.”

“You’re right,” she said. “Of course. I’m sorry. I see now why this will be uncomfortable for you, and I'm not really sure I like this Greg guy. He seems very dangerous, and not in a good way, just in a slimy unpleasant way.”

“I think you might be right,” was all I said, and just like that, the conversation quickly shifted.

“What about your boss, though?” she asked.

“What about him?” I replied as I took my lipstick out and began to reapply it.

“My preference is most definitely inclined toward him and definitely not Gregory. So…” she lightly and playfully bumped my shoulder. “Is the coast clear?”

Despite how conflicted I felt about this question and my subsequent response, I tried to be as honest as I possibly could.

“Hmm…” I replied. “I can’t really speak for him, so I’m not sure.”

“But you’re his personal assistant! If anyone would know, it would be you, right?”