Sophie: How did you see him without his clothes on?

Me: Swimming pool. I almost drowned.

Sophie: Oh.

Was her response but then her brain seemed to scratch to a halt and her second message followed quickly.

Sophie: What do you mean by you almost drowned?!

Me: Inconsequential. I’m exaggerating. I’m perfectly fine. Answer the question about his crotch.

Sophie: Yes, Scarlett I have seen him without his pants on and yes what you’re referring to is very hard to miss.

Me: Goddamn! He’s not dating anyone?

Sophie: Scarlett!

I could almost hear the motherly tone of voice she always used when addressing me like this.

Me: What?

Sophie: None of this is your business. You only have a week there with him, remember?

Me: Exactly!

I could almost sense her freaking out internally like she usually did.

Not willing to drag this out any further, especially since I knew that she wouldn’t tell me, I helped myself out and went to Google.

Lucien Montgomery girlfriend, I searched. And, to my errant surprise, there was almost no information whatsoever.

I could see his company, see the media companies he managed, see other investments he had made since he started at such a young age, but barely any mention of a girlfriend.

I glanced at him then, even more intrigued, but since it was clear that I was short on my luck for the day, he caught my eye.

I instantly snapped my head away, startled by being caught. The jerky movement had my phone flying out of my grasp. I immediately tried to catch it, and just like that, it flew over to his side.

I froze in place, with my hands in the most awkward and athletic position in the air and with his stern and almost exhausted-looking gaze on me.

I didn’t know what to do then, but the goofiness in me came out and the corners of my lips tilted in a smile.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

He didn’t respond.

Instead, he started to reach for the phone, and I was immensely relieved. However, when he turned the screen around and I saw his gaze go to what I had been looking at, my heart for the second time in the same day stopped dead in my chest.


Lucien Montgomery Girlfriend

For a moment, I didn’t truly understand what I was reading, but as I stared at the words on the phone longer, I eventually realized what it was. I glanced at her, and this time around, she held my gaze. However, she looked just as mortified as I had expected.

I was almost amused but given that my thoughts were more focused on what I was headed to do, I pushed the debacle aside and handed back her phone.

She took it and immediately slipped it into her bag while I continued with my thoughts.

Charles was a very tricky man because I was already well aware that this project and his decision to work with us had been finalized.