"Lucien," she said, and I nodded.

"At least he's not a tool about titles."

"He's not a tool about most things; he's just very conscientious. And as I told you, this is a very important week. The more I think about it, the more I'm truly glad that you're filling in for me. I'd hate to disappoint him."

As she spoke about the man I'd met earlier, I also couldn't help but bring him to mind. One thing was for sure, and that was the fact that he was incredibly attractive. If I hadn't been so nervous about being found out, I would have taken a bit more time to appreciate just how attractive he was at first sight. But I guessed that within the next few days, I would have more than enough time to do so.

"Is he married?" I asked, and she looked at me in surprise.

"Do you know absolutely nothing about him? He's pretty popular for being so financially successful at his age."

"So he's not married?"

"Of course, he's not."

"Oh," I said, while she narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't go loosening the screws in his brain. Whatever damage you cause, I'm the one who has to clean up when I get back there next week."

This made me laugh, however, I wasn't quite sure how to respond to it just yet. Of course, I wouldn't get involved with him. If I did, then this would severely affect Sophie's work, so I put him out of my mind before it started to shine all its light on attention for him.

"Do I have any wearable clothes here?" I asked. "I don't want to have to go home in the morning."

"I'm sure you do," she said. "How are you going to handle things with your job?"

"I'll take a couple of sick days. I'll tell them that I suddenly came down with something."

"They'll allow this?" she asked.

"Not if I take it for a week at a stretch," I replied. "At first, it'll be two days and then a little bit more till the week runs out."

"What if they don't tolerate that and you get fired?"

"I'll get another job. It's not a permanent position, and unlike you, I'm not looking to build a career there. I'm flexible and I don't get attached."

"Alright," she said, and our agreement was put in place.

Chapter 5


For some reason, she came to my mind more than once. It had never happened before, but there was just something so different about her from the previous day that I couldn't put my finger on. I was sure it was just a distraction. However, as I stood before the mirror in my closet and selected a tie, I couldn't help but think of how different she seemed.

Just then, my phone began to ring, and shaking off the thoughts, I focused more on the goals for the day. We would be going through our presentation for the client to be given later that evening in a conference call, so I thought about all the points I wanted to include. On the way to the office, I jotted them down on my phone and instantly sent them to Sophie so the team could begin implementing them immediately. Afterwards, I shut my eyes, and soon enough, we were at the office.

"I'll be heading out later this morning again," I spoke to Michael. "What time did you arrange with Sophie?"

Michael stared at me, lost for once, and I wondered what was happening.

"What's wrong?"

"I wasn't aware that you'll be heading out again this morning, sir," he said, and I was taken aback. Even I recalled that I had a business panel to speak at, so why didn't Michael know, and more importantly, why hadn't Sophie informed him and made preparations like she always did?

"I was about to ask you if Sophie remembered to get Mr. Cuban a gift to take on the way, but I guess she forgot everything altogether."

At this, I shut the door and walked into the building.

I was greeted in every direction by the staff and managed to respond, but by the time I got onto the private elevator that led to my office at the top, I couldn't hold back at the very unusual error. And so I called her phone, and to my surprise, she didn't pick up.

This, too, had never happened before.