Page 106 of Confessing to the CEO

I tried my best to hold back my tears but I couldn’t and so when they fell I turned my face away.

I could feel his smile and he pulled me into his arms and for the first time, I rested easy in them. He was staring directly at me now and so I could say exactly what I wanted to say to him without beating around the bush.

“Lucien,” I called and he stroked me gently.

“I… I know you already know this but … I’m in love with you as well. The last two months have been the fucking hardest of my life.” my voice cracked again as another bout of crying hit me but despite how much I resisted he was able to pull me away to look into my eyes.

He sighed then as he wiped the moisture off my cheeks.

“You were so close yet so far for many years. I can’t believe what I needed to do much earlier was ask your sister if she had a twin and I would have met you.”

This made me laugh out loud causing quite the startle around the restaurant.

But I didn’t care. This was the happiest day in my life and I wasn’t going to hold back from savoring and allowing myself to enjoy every single moment.

Smiling, I leaned away and in the most intimate way I could, I kissed him, and it was as though I had been brought back to life. It was a while before we pulled apart, and when we did and in answer to his very rare multitude of words, I only had a single one in response, but it carried the weight of both of our hearts.




"Ican't believe you two," Sophie said.

This made me laugh because over the past hour, since we’d been here, she had mentioned this at least four times, and each time it just got funnier.

"You decide to wait until after the baby’s born to give you both time to adjust to each other, yet two weeks after reconciling you just say ‘fuck that’and decide to get married?”

I didn’t want to say the words. They were cringy at best, but as I turned around, taking in my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help myself.

"What can I say? It was meant to be, I guess."

Sophie rolled her eyes from behind me as she moved through the rack of dresses, and it made me smile.

I smiled a lot these days. I just couldn’t stop, and sometimes I had to pinch myself because never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that I could be this deliriously happy. But I was, and I loved every single moment of it.

"So, what do we think?" I asked as my hands brushed down the gorgeous pattern of the dress.

Sophie turned around to look at the wedding dress I had on, then she cocked her head.

"Fits like a glove," she said, and I nodded.

"Yes, it does."

"Sure you don't want something a bit flowing though?" she asked, holding up another dress.

It looked beautiful, but the one with small lace flowers attached to it made me want to change my mind. Eventually, I decided to try it on as well as two others, and then I was done forever.

"Nope, I’m exhausted," I said when the store attendant came out with another rack. But when yet another brought out a different charcuterie board with another bottle of sparkling cider, I was forced to reconsider.

"You're such a foodie," Sophie mocked with a smile, and I nodded as I headed over to a chaise lounge to relax. "We only have thirty minutes left, though. I have to return to the office."

"Alright," I replied and rushed my eating while more dresses were brought out for me to see. Eventually, Sophie came over to sit by my side and took off her shoes. I couldn’t help but notice how exhausted she was as she yawned— not for the first time since we’d been here.

"How’s work?" I asked. "I would have thought it’d be a lot easier and your workload would have reduced, given that you're no longer Lucien's assistant."

"Yeah, I hoped so too, but it turns out the marketing department staff might leave the office earlier than personal assistants, but they never actually sleep."