Page 95 of Loving Romeo

I shook my head and laughed. “Dude. Drink away. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

“Thank God. After that bar fight story, I could use another one.” Kingston held his arm up and ordered another, and River shot him a look.

“So, Demi was telling me about the white party. Is everyone really going for the first time? Because I am all about it. I’ve tried to get my brother to go with me for years. I’m going to have to find a really cute dress to wear,” Tia said, and River, Kingston, and I all groaned at the same time.

“White parties aren’t really our thing,” I said, glancing over at Demi.

“You’re all going. My grandmother is counting on it. Don’t even try to worm your way out of it.”

“What if my face is all beat up after the fight? You really want me at a fancy party looking like that?”

She finished chewing her food and reached for my hand. “You’re always the best-looking guy in the room to me. It doesn’t matter what happens in that fight.”

“Hey!” Kingston shouted and pointed at himself. “You think him all beat up is better looking than this? Come on now.”

“What can I say?” Demi teased. “You’re all good-looking, but Romeo just does it for me.”

River barked out a laugh. “I’m going to check in with her about this after the fight. But I’m here for a woman who stands by her man.”

“They really are too cute for their own good, right?” Tia said, as she beamed at me and Demi, and I tossed my napkin onto the table.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open at this point. My whole body hurt. I needed to lie down. Demi picked up on it first and quickly pulled money from her purse, but I covered her wrist with my hand.

“I’ve got it,” I said.

“You two get out of here. I’ve got a tab going for all my legal expertise. Get your boy home. King and I will walk Tia to your mom’s on our way.”

“I don’t need an escort. I’m in college, remember?” my sister said as Demi and I both hugged her goodbye.

“Too bad. You’re on the way, so there’s no shaking us,” Kingston said. We said our goodbyes, and I waved at Lionel on my way out the door.

“You okay?” Demi asked as we walked the short distance home.

“Yeah. I’m just feeling it today.”

“My house or yours?” she asked.

“Let’s go to yours. It’s closer.”

She laughed, considering it was only a few feet closer than mine. But I was about to fall over, and the few feet made a difference at this point.

She unlocked the door, and we made our way upstairs, and I collapsed onto her bed.

Fuck. I was tired.

Joey and Butch were stepping up the workouts. We were down to the wire, and I’d be tapering back a few days before the fight, so this was the final push.

Demi pulled my shoes off, and she lifted my hands to see the bruising across my knuckles before tugging at my tee and seeing the same along my abdomen.

“I know you’re tired, but what if I run you a hot shower and help clean you up so we get you in bed?”

I stroked her hair away from her face. “Or you could climb on top of me and ride me into oblivion, and I’ll fall asleep to you falling apart around me.”

She licked her lips. “As much as I love the sound of that, I can see how tired you are. Let me take care of you tonight. We can catch up on the other stuff tomorrow morning if you’re up for it.”

“I’m always up for it,” I whispered, as I thrust my hips up so she could see how hard I was. But the exhaustion was making it challenging to do anything about it.

She pulled at my hand and helped me to my feet and led me to the bathroom.