Page 93 of Loving Romeo

“I’m so proud of him because I’ve never seen someone work so hard, you know?” I said, as I made us both hot tea and set the cup in front of her. “But yes, there are times that it’s difficult to watch.”

“They’re punching him in the stomach with his hands tied behind his back,” Tia said, her eyes welling with emotion.

“Joey is a really great trainer, Tia. And he’s preparing Romeo to fight the best way he can. Without the use of both hands, it forces him to move his feet and take the hits that come his way. Joey needs to know he’s going to be okay when he gets in thatring. Your brother stepped away from fighting for a long time, and now he’s getting into the ring for the first time with a guy who held the belt not that long ago. He has to be prepared, or he will get hurt. I think he knows that.”

A pit settled in my stomach just like it always did when I thought about it.

“Does he tell you that he’s scared?” she whispered.

“Never. I don’t think that’s his style. I don’t think fear drives him. I think he’s realistic. He knows that Leo has a world of experience and is one of the best in the world in their weight class. He’s studied Leo’s films for weeks. He wants to fight smart. He wants to go the distance. He wants to make himself and everyone he cares about proud. But I don’t think he thinks about winning. I think he thinks about being smart and leaving there proud of his performance while also being in one piece.”

She nodded. “I hate that he’s fighting. But Leo really taunted him, you know? And Romeo is such a proud man. He’s always been that way. Even when he went away for those months over that incident.” She winced as she looked up at me, and I swallowed hard. I could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke of it. “He was there, telling me and Mom and Mimi not to worry. That he’d be fine. And he had to be terrified, but he never let us see it. He’s so damn stoic.”

“He’s also very smart. He wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t think he could handle it. How about we watch it together so we can help each other through it?”

“I don’t know if I can be out there, Demi. I might stay back in the locker room. I don’t know if I can see him get hit over and over. I’ve never gone to one of his fights. Are you going to be able to watch?”

I nodded. I understood it. “I think you have to do what you’re comfortable with. If he sees that you’re upset, that will upsethim, as well. I’m planning on being out there. I know it will suck, but I’m going to make myself do it.”

She studied me, eyes searching mine. “Wow. You really love him, don’t you?”

I chuckled. “How can you tell? Because I’m willing to watch his fight?”

“No. Because I saw you in there a few minutes ago. You put on a brave face, Demi. But your shoulders stiffened every single time they hit him. Your hands were in fists when he was doing those sit-ups and they were smacking him in the stomach. Your lip bled the slightest bit when he was sparring with his hand tied behind his back because you sank your teeth in so hard to keep from reacting. You don’t like watching it any more than I do, but you love him so much that you do it. I guess you both have that whole being stoic thing in common.”

My chest squeezed at her words. Because she was right. She’d seen right through me.

“We do have more in common than we thought we would.”

“I’ve got to tell you, I’ve never seen Romeo so happy. And that’s saying a lot with all the stress he’s been under with the media stuff being impossible to ignore and all this training he’s doing. He’s crazy about you, and I love it.”

“Thank you. I feel the same, and there’s been a lot of stress around us since the day we met. But honestly, when I’m with him”—I glanced away as I gathered my thoughts—“I forget about everything else. I just feel content and happy and loved. I know it sounds corny, but it’s the truth.”

She wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “I’m so happy he stopped being a stubborn ass with you and admitted how he felt. And I’m thrilled that I feel like I might have a new bestie.”

“Me, too.” I leaned my head against hers just as the door swung open.

“Hey. He’s about done. How about we go to Whiskey Falls and grab some appetizers and cocktails for those of us who are old enough?” River smirked before winking at Tia.

“My fake ID is not going to work because Lionel knows I’m not twenty-one.”

“Just bring the ID with you and don’t drink. I’ll take care of Lionel. Your brother is exhausted, and he needs food.”

I hopped off my chair and grabbed a protein shake from the refrigerator for Romeo to drink before we left.

River’s eyes landed on me when I turned around, and he smiled the slightest bit. He was this badass guy covered in tattoos, but I knew that beneath it all was a big teddy bear.

“Okay, let’s go get him some food,” Tia said.

We all loved Romeo fiercely. No doubt about it.


. . .


I washappy to see Tia and Demi getting along so well. My sister had never liked anyone that I’d dated in the past.