Page 91 of Loving Romeo

A news notification landed at the top of my screen, and I tapped on it.

My mouth fell open as I read the words in front of me.

Six women had come forward to file complaints about Ronny Waterstone. I wasn’t surprised that there were more women who’d experienced what he’d done to Demi, but I was surprised that they were coming forward against him because of who his family was. Hell, Demi’s father didn’t want to speak out against them. But apparently, realizing that they weren’t alone and that he’d been called out for what he did to Demi, they’d found the confidence to speak up, as well.

It made me fucking proud of her.

His family hadn’t commented yet, but I hoped his world would come crashing down very soon.

I looked up to see the door swing open, and I tucked my phone into my back pocket. Demi’s eyes were puffy, but she was smiling, and everything in me settled. All the bullshit surrounding the fight. My anger toward Ronny. It all dissipated when her eyes locked with mine.

“Hey, you doing okay?” I asked as I moved toward her.

“Yeah. Can I ask you for a huge favor?”

“Name it,” I said.

“Come inside with me. Slade wants to speak to you.”

There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this girl. But this was not something I was looking forward to.

I nodded and took her hand.

Because if she needed me, I’d always say yes.


. . .


My hand was wrappedin Romeo’s, and I could feel the tension radiating from his shoulders. But he’d agreed to come inside with me.

He could have said no, and I would have respected his wishes.

But he’d said yes.

I wouldn’t have asked him to come inside if I thought this would only benefit Slade. He’d lost the right to be my main concern, though I’d still show up for him. But this could potentially be helpful to Romeo, as well.

I didn’t explain anything further; I just led him inside to the room where Slade waited with Dr. Schwartz. I’d just spent the last ninety minutes in here talking to my brother. Getting everything off my chest because Dr. Schwartz said that keeping secrets made things worse, and our family had had a whole lot of secrets.

And she’d been right. Because my brother and I had had somewhat of a breakthrough today, as well.

I knocked on the door and led Romeo inside.

Both Slade and his therapist looked surprised that my boyfriend had agreed to join us. I’d told them that I doubted he would be willing to come inside but that I’d ask. I hadn’t even had to explain. I’d said I needed a favor, and he’d said yes without hesitation.

I walked over to the couch and motioned for my boyfriend to sit beside me.

“Thank you so much for joining us, Romeo. We wouldn’t normally request that someone who barely knows Slade be here, but after all that has been uncovered today, and with you being here for Demi, I think it’s appropriate.”

“Okay.” Romeo cleared his throat. “I’m here because Demi wants me here and for no other reason.”

Dr. Schwartz nodded. “That’s fair after everything that has been shared today. But regardless of your motivation, I want you to know that it’s appreciated.”

Slade looked up at me from the chair where he sat across from us before his gaze moved beside me. “I found out today that the truth has come to the surface, and I’ve got to tell you, it’s a fucking relief.”

My brother paused to take a sip from his water bottle. He looked good, actually. Sobriety had always looked good on Slade. It just had never lasted long. But maybe today, we’d made some progress.