“I hope he serves him up a big plate of shut the fuck up.” Brinkley clinked her glass with Lincoln’s, and that had all of us laughing now.
“Me, too. And thanks for getting us there to see my brother so quickly.”
“Not a problem at all. The plane will be at the hangar not too far from your hotel tomorrow morning. I know you both have to get back for work and his training,” Lincoln said, his gaze landing on me. “You’re going to work out at the hotel while she’s with her brother at the rehab?”
“No. I’m going to sit outside of that place until she comes out and I know she’s okay. And then we’ll go to the hotel, and I’ll do my afternoon workout because Joey is pissed that I’m not going to be there for one goddamn afternoon. He sent me the workout from hell to make up for it. It’ll take me a few hours, but I’ll get it done.”
“You don’t have to wait there for me,” Demi said, her brows pinched together. “I can meet you back at the hotel.”
“Not happening. Not with Leo talking about you to everyone who will listen, and Ronny out there wanting revenge on both of us. For all we know, he talks to Slade and knows you’re coming. It’s not a chance I’m willing to take.”
“Is that why you came with me? You were worried?”
“It’s not the only reason, but it is one of the reasons.” I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “But the main reason is that I love you, and I want to keep you close.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed you for a clingy little fucker,” Lincoln said as he barked out a laugh.
“Whatever. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, from what I can see.” I raised a brow at his sappy ass.
We spent the rest of the flight talking and laughing, and I could tell that they adored Demi, which I knew they would. She’d be meeting Tia this weekend, and my little sister couldn’t wait to come home and hang out with my girlfriend.
When we arrived in Boston, we said our goodbyes. Demi and Brinkley had exchanged numbers and were fast friends.
“I’ll see you next week,” Lincoln said, leaning close so only I could hear him. “Proud of you, brother. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and you’re going to be just fine.”
I hoped like hell that he was right. My goal was to leave Vegas in one piece, still breathing. I knew I could take a beating; I’d proven it over the last few months. But I’d never been in a ring with someone like Leo Burns. So, I would just keep pushing harder. Every last bit of work I could squeeze in, I would do.
When we arrived at the rehab center, I kissed Demi hard and told her I’d be waiting for her outside. I spent the next hour and a half doing wind sprints out in the grass, push-ups, sit-ups, anything I could squeeze in.
I glanced at my phone when it vibrated, expecting it to be Demi telling me how it was going, but it was the RoD group chat.
Cutler’s teacher called me in to tell me that he got into a fight at school. He’s not even six fucking years old. And twenty bucks to whoever guesses what the fight was about.
Someone called him Cutler instead of Beefcake?
Did someone touch his gelled hair? You know he’s funny about anyone messing with his hair.
Someone took his leather coat? He’s protective over that jacket, man.
They talked shit about one of us. Because Little Dude does not tolerate that.
A little fucker in his class said that his daddy told him that Leo was going to knock Romeo out. These kids are in kindergarten, for fuck’s sake.
My chest squeezed. I loved that fucking kid so much.
What happened?