I’m just here for the Magnolia Falls Golden Boy.
“I’m the one who called the police, and I called before Romeo even showed up. Demi was scared of this guy the minute he walked through the door.” Peyton crossed her arms over her chest.
“This is bullshit. A bunch of small-town hicks defending their white-trash fighter. Are you kidding me right now, D? Are you seriously with this guy?”
“Like I told you the night you tried to attack me,” she said, stepping forward and looking him directly in the eyes. “Stay the fuck away from me, Ronny. You just made this whole thing public, so you only have yourself to blame.”
“I wonder what your father will think of you involving your fucking garbage boyfriend in family business?”
The way that he was looking at her, the evil I saw in his eyes—I couldn’t stand here and not do something for one minute longer. He wasn’t scared enough.
My job wasn’t done.
“Hey, Brett, I think everything is fine here. But Janelle seems shaken up. Maybe you could walk her back to the shop?”
Ronny’s eyes gaped between me and Brett.
“Yeah. It’s my duty as Officer Dipshit to make sure the locals feel safe.” He held his arm up, and Janelle chuckled and wrapped her hand around his elbow, and they walked away. “Come on, everyone. Show’s over.”
The few locals who’d been standing there turned and walked away, and Oscar looked over at me and nodded before leaving with the group.
Understanding reached Ronny’s gaze, and he made a run for it, but I was faster. I grabbed him, pulling him around to thealley and shoving him hard into the brick wall. He cried out, but he didn’t fight back, just as I’d figured he’d do.
He liked to beat up on people smaller than him.
Women in particular.
River was right there beside me. Like he always was.
“River, do you recognize this prick?” I held my forearm against his throat.
“This is the prick who framed us all those years ago,” he said, leaning close to his face and looking him in the eyes. “But we survived that shit. But now, you’ve messed with Romeo’s girl. She’s one of us, and we just won’t allow that, will we, brother?”
“We will not. You think you can take advantage of women? You think anyone gives a shit about who your grandfather is here?” I leaned close to his ear.
Now it was River’s turn. “You need to understand something. We don’t give a shit about prison, nor are we afraid of a good fight, so I’d suggest you get your fucking ass out of this town and stay the fuck away from Demi Crawford, or we will haunt your fucking nightmares. I will spend my days making your life a living hell. Do you hear me?”
River was an intimidating dude. His arms were covered in tats, his eyes were hard, and he never backed down.
I felt the same rage as he did. I wanted to beat the shit out of Ronny, but I heard Demi’s voice call out behind me, and she was begging me to let him leave.
River’s hand squeezed my shoulder.
“He gets the message. Don’t give him anything to come back on you. We know where to find him, don’t we? And after that little scene you just caused goes public, women all over will find out exactly who you are.” River smirked.
I took a step back and shoved him toward the sidewalk, and the little fucker ran to his car. He glanced over at Demi but didn’t say a word. I waited until he drove off.
“You all right?” I asked her, as she stepped into my arms.
“Yeah. I’m fine. I can’t believe my dad is with his father right now. I thought he was trying to fix our family.” She sniffed.
“You can’t trust that dude, Beans. He could be making that shit up,” River said, shocking the shit out of me as he tried to make her feel better about her father.
“He’s right,” I said after we stepped inside. “Don’t base your feelings for your father off that guy. I wouldn’t trust a word he says.”
“Well, a lot of people just witnessed that argument, so Ronny just made all this public by showing up here. And that’s not going to sit well with him or his family.”
“Not our problem,” I said.