Page 81 of Loving Romeo


He’ll probably end up paying twice as much as it would have cost him if he’d just taken care of shit when it happened. If she wants to push things, she could probably own the damn place at the end of the day. But he’s still complaining about the whole thing and continues to try to fight it.

We’d been friends with the Whiskey Falls bar owner for a long time, and he’d gone to River to represent him in the ridiculous lawsuit that should never have gone this far.


Jenna Tate is hot.


Where the fuck did that come from? We’re talking about the lawsuit, not how hot she is, dicknut.


Hey, I call it as I see it.


Jenna Tate has got to be in her mid-forties. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Hey, I love me a hot cougar! I do not discriminate. Age is just a number.


Get your ass back to work, you fucking horndog.


Ball breaker.


Are we meeting at Whiskey Falls tonight?

I’ll meet you there after my workout.

They all replied with a thumbs-up emoji, and I got back to work. I was drowning in paperwork, as the long workouts were taking a toll, and I was exhausted. I was thankful that Pinky had stepped up at the gym, and we’d brought on Dallas Johnson to help with training some of the fighters. I wasn’t training anyone now, as the countdown was on. I had less than four weeks until the fight, and I still had a lot of work to do.

I spent the next two hours paying bills and ordering some new equipment for the gym. We’d grown in size a lot since I’d started training for the fight; everyone wanted to work out at Knockout now.

I grabbed my bag and headed across the alley to meet Joey. I glanced at my phone, realizing I hadn’t heard from Demi in a little bit, which wasn’t the norm, but it probably meant that she’d been slammed this afternoon. Using the empty space next to her coffee shop for my second workout had been really helpful. There were no distractions there. And Joey and Butch could focus on kicking my ass with no audience, aside from my girlfriend and the guys when they came by to cheer me on.

There was a car that I didn’t recognize parked out front, and for whatever reason, alarm bells were going off. You didn’t see alot of Bentleys in Magnolia Falls because the people here weren’t pretentious pricks.

I glanced inside and saw Oscar Daily standing near the counter, studying a man who had his back to me. Peyton was standing beside Demi, her shoulders stiff, and when I took in the expression on Demi’s face, I fucking knew.

I didn’t know how, but that was all it took.

I pulled the door open and dropped my bag and charged the asshole.

“Is this the fucking guy?” I shouted. Demi’s eyes were wide, but she gave me the slightest nod.

“Who the fuck are you?” the prick asked, but I was already on him. I wrapped my arm around his throat and pulled tight against his windpipe.

“I’m your worst fucking nightmare!” I shouted as I dragged him backward toward the entrance.