Page 80 of Loving Romeo

Every damn day, too.

We couldn’t get enough of one another.

“You really are my girl, Demi.” Cutler moved to his feet and looked around the table. “May I be excused? I want my girl to show me how to ride a horse so I can propose to her someday on horseback.”

Romeo’s head fell back in laughter, and it was the first real laugh I’d heard from him today. “How can I compete with this?”

“You’ve already won. I’m all yours,” I whispered into his ear.

I took Cutler’s hand in mine and led him toward the barn. Everything felt lighter today than I’d expected with Romeo and River and my family.

They’d all made peace, and there were no issues.

And it felt like we were finally putting all the darkness behind us.


. . .


Demi and I took Cutler to Demi’s grandparents’ house, and the kid rode a horse on his own like he was a fucking jockey.


You mean Beefcake?

My bad.


Thanks for doing that. He loves those fucking horses now. Are you still running out there?

Yeah. Demi has me racing her while she’s on a goddamn horse and taunts me when she stays just a few feet ahead of me.


Love that girl. She knows how to push you. Should we have her get the RoD tattoo?


I don’t see Beans rocking a RoD tattoo. Not her style. But I think it’s tattooed on her soul, if I’m being honest.


Damn. Hayes just went deep again.

I’d be lyingif I didn’t admit that it meant something to me that they loved my girl so fiercely. I’d never dated anyone they even remotely liked. Demi had become one of us.


What can I say? I can go deep when necessary. What happened with Lionel at the bar?


Fucking Lionel. Jenna Tate is suing him because she slipped on some sort of slime or slush or some shit behind the bar. All he had to do was pay her medical bill. It was a work accident. But his stubborn ass let this turn into a shit show.

That sounds about right. Lionel likes to see how far he can push things. Is he going to have to pay a lot?