Page 79 of Loving Romeo

“That’s right. We’ll be watching from home,” Valentina said, her voice cracking a bit on her words.

Thankfully, Ben and Sheila chose that time to call everyone to the table. We spent the next hour eating and talking and laughing. The conversation had lightened.

“I don’t know why I have to be eighteen years old to get theRide or Dietattoo like my uncles. Do you think that’s fair, Demi?”

“Look at you going to the softie in the group to try to get your way, Beefcake,” River said as he dropped his corn on the cob onto his plate.

“Hey. I’m not a softie.”

Romeo glanced over at me and smiled, and my stomach flipped, per usual. There was something about the way that he looked at me. Like I was the only girl in the whole world. Like he’d move heaven and earth for me if I asked him to.

“You’re a softie for Beefcake, baby.” He smirked.

“Well, you know I like to take your side,” I said to Cutler, who was sitting between my mom and my grandmother, who were both enamored with him. “But I agree with your daddy. I do think you should be an adult before you do anything permanent to your body.”

“Demi, you’re my girl. You aren’t on my side?” His little brows pinched together, and everyone was laughing at the devastated look he was flashing me. “I want to have it before Uncle Ro’s fight.”

“I didn’t say that. I think we could do somethingnot permanentif your daddy was okay with it. I’ll text him and see what I can work out for you.”

Cutler fist-pumped the sky, and my grandfather shook his head. “This kid is going to be running the world someday. You just flipped her without even trying. And my granddaughter doesn’t sway all that easily.”

More laughter.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Nash.

Hey. Beefcake is devastated about waiting a lifetime for his RoD tattoo. What if we use a Sharpie and make the little guy’s dreams come true for the fight? He can watch from home and sport a fake tattoo.


Damn. This kid doesn’t stop. I mean, I’m allowing him to go by the name Beefcake, so a Sharpie tattoo is the least of my worries. Just make sure it’s hidden so I don’t get shit from his teacher.

You’re such a softie.


Takes one to know one. How’s Romeo doing with the shit that broke this morning?

Acting like he isn’t bothered, but he’s bothered.


Yeah. That’s what I figured. We’re all worried about him bottling this shit up.

I’ll get him to talk about it. I just need some time.


Glad he’s got you by his side.

Glad he’s got you guys by his side, too.

He liked the text, and I dropped my phone back down on the table.

“It’s a go, Beefcake. I’ll draw the tattoo on your arm with a Sharpie the week of the fight. You’ll be supporting Uncle Ro from Magnolia Falls,” I said.

Romeo glanced over at me, his tongue sliding along his bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together in response.

The way this man made me feel was unexplainable.