I was training hard for my fight with Leo, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t be the worst coming my way.
Leo was at it again. He’d been interviewed on a national sports station, and he’d basically guaranteed that he’d knock me out in round one. He’d offered me an additional million dollars if I could go three rounds, and he’d offered up his entire purse if I could go the entire twelve rounds with him.
I didn’t know how much money Leo had, but throwing around millions of dollars when you didn’t have to was stupid where I came from.
The guys were all here, eating pizza and salad. My body ached from my run this morning and the beating I’d taken last night, sparring with four different guys with one arm tied behind my back to make it more challenging. I’d taken more body shots than anyone should take in one sitting.
But it was all for the greater good.
Joey had decided I needed an afternoon off after getting worked over last night and then running hard this morning.
“Let him run his mouth. It works in your favor. He’s such a cocky piece of shit,” River said, reaching for another slice of pepperoni.
“Agreed. Why in the fuck would you offer someone millions of dollars when you don’t have to? You already agreed to fight the dude. Just show up and fight, asshole,” Hayes hissed.
“Listen, I think it’s great. The entire town is wearing Golden Boy gear, and there’s a goddamn mural of you painted on the side of The Golden Goose. His bullying ass is fueling everyone in Magnolia Falls to rally behind you,” Kingston said over a mouthful of food.
“I saw a bunch of people interviewed on some morning show, and they were all rooting for you to kick his ass. I think you’vegot more than this town supporting you. Hell, the whole country is talking about this fight,” Nash said. “And for the record, Cutler made me buy seven fucking T-shirts with your name on them so he could wear one every day of the week.”
“That’s Beefcake to you,” I said over my laughter. “Listen, the guy can fight. And I don’t even know what to expect when I get in that ring. I mean, I hope like hell I can last more than one round. But I’ve never fought anyone like Leo before, so I don’t have a fucking clue. All I can do is work hard and leave it all out there.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. You were the kid in the back alley who fought off three dudes way bigger than you when you were young. He can talk all he wants, but you’re going to put up a damn good fight, Romeo. I don’t have one doubt about that.” Kingston reached for his drink.
“Well, good, because I think I’ve got enough doubts running through my mind for all of us.” I leaned back against the couch. All this talk and coverage on the news was getting to me. I’d only done one interview with Brinkley, and Joey had convinced me to do an interview next week with a national news channel that would be traveling to Magnolia Falls to meet me. I wasn’t looking forward to it.
“You going to let Beans go to the fight? I saw the way she looked last night when you were in the ring with those guys.” River leaned forward, arms resting on his knees. I loved that they all called her by her nickname now. They’d welcomed her into the fold like she’d always been one of us.
“You mean when Joey let them beat the shit out of him? I don’t get that. You had your goddamn arm tied behind your back,” Kingston said. “I noticed Demi’s eyes were welling up with tears; that’s why I got her out of there. But if I’m being honest, I felt like I was going to lose it, too.”
Everyone chuckled at that. Kingston was a teddy bear beneath his gruff exterior.
“Yeah, Nash had to stop me because I was about ready to climb in there and start throwing some punches. It’s instinct, I guess.” River shrugged. “But we’ve all seen you fight before. She hasn’t. You think she’s up for it, dude?”
I ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t think she should go, but she’s stubborn as shit. I told her not to come last night, and she came right through the back door anyway.”
“Is she still not talking to her father?” Nash asked.
“Nope. He’s staying in the city, and she hasn’t spoken to him. Her mother isn’t speaking to him either. Our little secret has fucked up her entire family.”
“No fucking way I’m buying that shit. What they did to you and River—this is just karma biting him in the ass. His daughter falls in fucking love with the kid he put into a shitty prison for teens for a crime his own son committed. That shit is real, and he needs to feel it. I hope it haunts his goddamn dreams for years.” Hayes leaned back against the couch and crossed one leg over the other as if what he’d just said was no big deal.
“Her brother wants her to come to some family therapy session at his rehab out in Boston. And that’s the thing with Demi; she’s pissed at him for everything that’s happened, but she doesn’t give up on people. She wants to go, but I don’t want her to go alone. What if he’s not even in rehab? What if that other fucker shows up to mess with her?” I said, because we were all aware that Ronny was still a loose end that hadn’t been dealt with. From my experience, loose ends didn’t just go away.
“You want one of us to go so you can train, and we can keep an eye on her?” River asked.
Like I said, these guys always had my back. And I’d always have theirs.
And now they had Demi’s back, and I fucking loved it.
“Let me think about it. I’m leaning toward going with her. We can be back in a day, and at least I’ll be waiting outside if she needs me.”
“Never thought I’d see the day our Golden Boy would fall hard, and for a nice girl, too.” Kingston whistled over his laughter.
“Yeah, we were used to you dating crazy women who might burn your house down if you didn’t return their call quickly enough.” River barked out a laugh.
We were all giving one another a hard time about our dating track records when Pinky knocked on the door.
“What’s up?” I asked.