“Well, it’ll be a first for me, too. I’ve never bathed with a woman.”
He reached for my sweater and pulled it over my head, and we both got undressed. “I like being your first something, too,” Iadmitted, as I turned off the water. “You get in first, and I’ll just squeeze in there with you.”
He howled when he put his toe in the water. This big, tough guy, who fought for a living, was whining about a little hot water. My head fell back in laughter when he winced as he adjusted to the temperature and settled into the tub. He leaned back, and his wide shoulders flexed as he draped his arms over the side of the tub.
“Get in here with me,” he said, and I climbed in and settled between his legs.
“Ohhhh. I didn’t realize you could get turned on in hot water.” I chuckled as his erection pressed against my lower back.
“If you’re naked, it doesn’t matter where I am; my dick responds to you.”
I rolled over onto my stomach so I could face him. “Is it weird that we’ve showered and bathed together, and we’ve never had sex?”
“Nothing about this is normal for me. I’m usually the guy who leads with sex. But I like that we’ve taken our time. I told you that this feels different to me, and it’s the truth.”
“It’s been a wild ride already, hasn’t it?”
“We made it over the hurdle of our past, and we’re still standing. So that says a lot.”
“What about all the boxing groupies that are hanging out at the gym? You sure you want to be tied down when you’re practically famous now?” I teased. I knew Romeo was a straight shooter. He wouldn’t have let things go this far or told me about my family if he wasn’t all in.
“Boxing groupies…” He smirked, and he was so sexy I rocked against him before I could stop myself. His erection swelled against my lower belly, and I slid forward, settling him between my thighs as he groaned. “The only boxing groupie I’m interested in is you.”
“Good. Because I’m all in.” I rubbed my nose against his. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you. All of you.”
He moved so fast I couldn’t even process what was happening. Water sloshed over the side of the tub as he pushed to his feet and managed to take me with him. Laughter filled the space around us, and he had us both out of the tub within seconds. He wrapped me in a towel, tied one around his waist, and scooped me up.
“I want all of you, too.” He tossed me onto my bed, and I gasped.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
“There’s no going back once we cross this line.” His voice was all tease. “And I have an insatiable appetite when it comes to you.”
“The feeling’s mutual.” My breaths were coming hard and fast now, as he hovered above me.
“I…” His hand moved to the side of my face, and he looked more serious than I’d ever seen him look before. “I love you, Demi.”
My heart raced so fast at his words, and I felt so much for this man that it almost overwhelmed me at times. “I love you, too. I have for a while.”
“I’ve never told a woman that I loved them outside of my family. Maybe that’s why all my past relationships were so bad.” He chuckled.
“Yeah. Fighting and love don’t always go together, although we started off pretty rocky, didn’t we?”
“That was just me being an asshole. But how about I make that up to you right now?”
“You already have, but I’m ready for more. For everything.”
“Me, too, baby.” He leaned down and kissed me as my hands trailed up his back. My body was already tingling with anticipation, and he’d barely touched me. He pulled back and gently opened the towel. His heated gaze scanned down my body slowly.
His lips found mine again, and he kissed me, gently this time. He kissed my cheeks and my forehead and the tip of my nose before his tongue traced along the line of my jaw and down my neck.
It was difficult to breathe. He took his time on my breasts, devouring them with his mouth and his tongue. I nearly arched off the bed, and he chuckled against my skin as he kissed his way down my abdomen and my thighs. My entire body trembled with desire.
“Romeo, please,” I whispered. I couldn’t take much more.