“I don’t need an apology from him, and neither does River.” The man didn’t have any place in my world now, aside from the fact that I was pretty certain I was falling in love with his daughter. “Did you ask him about the restraining order? Because I had River run Ronny’s name in the system with a police buddy of ours. There is nothing pulling up for a restraining order.”
She nodded, and her eyes welled with emotion. “Yeah. He admitted he lied about that, too. Apparently, I don’t really know my father at all. He just called Ronny and threatened him directly.”
I wrapped my arms tighter around her and tucked her head beneath my chin. I hated the guy, but I knew that she loved him, and for that reason, I tried to say something to soothe her. “Listen, my dad fucked up a lot when I was young, but he turned things around later in life. He owned it, and he did better thoselast few years of his life. Don’t try to predict the future. Just take it one day at a time.”
“You should be bashing him after what he did. Why are you being so nice?”
“I’m not that nice, Demi. I don’t care for him, but I care for you. And I know you love him, even if you’re angry at him right now.”
“Wow, that was very romantic, Romeo Knight. You’re full of surprises.” She pushed back and rested her forehead against mine.
“You’re full of surprises, too,” I said.
“How so?”
“You’re just—” I took her face in my hands and looked into those gorgeous green eyes. “You’re kind, and you’re beautiful, and you’re strong all at the same time. I’m not used to that.”
“Not used to what?” She raised a brow, eyes searching mine.
“Feeling this way,” I admitted.
“Me either.” She leaned down and kissed me. And then she pulled back. “Can we stop by and see River before we call it a day? I’d like to speak to him.”
“You don’t need to do that. You don’t owe anyone anything. He doesn’t blame you either. We were wrong to hold it against your whole family when you had nothing to do with it.”
“I get it. But he’s your best friend. Can you just take me there so I can say my piece?”
“Sure. Let me eat a few bites of this because my stomach is rumbling. And then I’ll take you over there. You want to ride on the back of my bike? You’ve never been on it before.”
“Very sexy. A boxer with a motorcycle. Let’s do it.”
I devoured two pieces of chicken and some salmon, and we made our way out to the alley. I grabbed the helmet that I kept for my sister at the house and pulled it over Demi’s head, and she slid onto the back of my bike.
We drove the few blocks to River’s place near the water, and I loved feeling her body pressed against mine. The way her arms came around my waist and her hands fisted in my hoodie. We pulled up in front of River’s place, and I helped her off the bike before leading her to the door. River could be an intimidating guy. A loose cannon at times.
But he knew how I felt about her, and he’d hear her out.
“Don’t be nervous. He looks more intimidating than he is.”
We approached the front porch.
“I’m not nervous,” she said confidently as I rang the bell.
He pulled open the door. His shirt was off, his arm covered in tattoos, and he raised a brow. He was an enigma. A brilliant lawyer who’d buried himself in the books to get through law school. Yet he was a total wild card outside of his profession and always had been. He never liked being put into a box.
“If it isn’t the Golden Boy and his little lady.” He smirked. “This is a pleasant surprise.”
There was music playing in the background, and a woman’s voice called out to him. “Is that dinner, handsome?”
I laughed. My best friend was a player, just like his little brother. Neither of them had ever had a serious relationship in all the time I’d known them. I had a feeling it had to do with their upbringing, but it worked for them, so I wouldn’t judge. “We won’t keep you. Demi just asked if I’d bring her over here to talk to you real quick.”
“What’s up, Crawford?” He leaned against the door frame, and she smiled.
“I wanted to apologize for what my brother and my father did to you and Romeo. I confronted him today, and he didn’t deny it. I want you to know that I’m sorry, and I think it’s horrible and disgusting, as did my mother and my grandfather when they found out. If I could turn back time, I would. But I hope you won’t hold my father’s actions against me because this one ispretty important to me, and I know he’s important to you.” She flicked her thumb at me, and I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing my scruff against her neck.
“This one has a name,” I said, and she broke out into a fit of laughter.
River looked between us and then set his eyes on Demi. “Listen, if I held the actions of parents against their kids, I’d have to disown my best friends.”