I squeezed my thighs together and covered my face with my hands.
“You don’t need to be shy with me. You’ve obviously had shitty partners.” His fingers circled my wrist, and he pulled my hands away so he could look at me.
“I’ve only been with one guy. My college boyfriend. He was two years older than me. He’s actually a really good guy,” I said.
Romeo growled, which made me laugh. “Fuck him. I hate him already.”
“Stop. We’re still friends.”
“Why’d you break up, then? Because he sucked in the sack?” He tugged me closer and buried his face in my neck. His scruff grazed my skin, and I groaned.
“No,” I said over my laughter. “Maybe I suck in the sack.”
“Trust me. You don’t. How long were you with him?”
“Three years. We lasted a year after he graduated, and it just wasn’t the same after he started working full time. He wanted marriage and kids and all of that, and I was twenty years old at the time. I just didn’t see a future with him that way.”
He nodded. “And not one orgasm in three years? How is that possible?”
“He was the quarterback for our college football team. He worked out hard, and he’d be pretty worn out most of the time. So, it was usually pretty quick but always sweet.”
“I just ran seven miles with a forty-pound backpack on my shoulders, and I made you come with just my fingers. Trust me. Working out has nothing to do with it.”
“Apparently not. So, what’s your longest relationship?”
“A year. But I’ve always had volatile partners, if I’m being honest. Lots of drama and breakups and fighting. This feels different.” His hands were on each side of my face, his eyes staring at my mouth like he couldn’t wait to kiss me again.
“It does feel different.” I sighed. “Well, you’re clearly more experienced than me. I’m curious—what’s your favorite sexual position?”
He smiled, and my stomach did these little flips. “This really is your sexual awakening, isn’t it?”
“Are you avoiding the question?”
“No. You can ask me anything. Sex is my favorite topic. Before now, my favorite position was doggy style. But I don’t see myself doing that with you. Not unless we’re standing in front of a mirror and I’m behind you.”
My mouth fell open. “Why not?”
“Because I love your face. I loved watching you come apart for me. You’re so fucking pretty. I want to be looking at you all the time. At those soulful eyes of yours. Those plump lips and your cute-ass nose with that perfect little sprinkle of freckles.”
“That was a really good answer.” I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re definitely going to get lucky soon, Golden Boy. But I need to go deal with the lunch rush and then get this conversation with my parents over with.”
“All right. I’m going to eat some breakfast and get to the gym. Call me if you need me, okay?”
“Yep. I’ll see you later?”
I started to walk away, and he caught my hand and turned me back toward him. His mouth was on mine, his tongue slipping inside.
When he pulled back, I was breathless. He jumped down off the counter and led me to the door. I expected him to say goodbye, but instead, he linked hands with mine and walked me across the alley.
It had finally stopped raining, and I chuckled. “It’s a twenty-foot walk at most across the alley. You didn’t need to escort me.”
“What can I say? I can’t get enough of you, Beans.” He smacked my ass and jogged back to his house.
And I stood there gaping at him before heading back to work. The next few hours went by quickly, and Peyton agreed to stay while I went over to my parents’ house. I’d called my grandfather and asked him to meet me there, as well. I needed to know who was involved in all of this.
My stomach twisted as I made my way to the home I’d grown up in. The rain had started falling again, and I watched the road through my windshield wipers as they moved back and forth. I pulled up the long driveway and saw Gramps’s car parked there.
I stepped inside, and Mariana was the first to greet me. “Hey there, sweetness. I just brought some tea into the living room. I figured you’d want something warm with all this rain today.”