I left it all out there.
Everything I had in me.
I came to a stop in front of the gym and moved to the bushes, where I proceeded to vomit, and then I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Fuck, that was tough,” I said. I pulled the backpack off my shoulders and dropped it onto the ground. The rain was easing up.
“You know what’s tough, Romeo? You’re fucking tough. Go take a shower and get some food in your belly. I’ll meet you back here for your afternoon workout.” He glanced over at the two women who pulled the door open and walked inside the gym. “It’s getting too distracting in there with all this attention. It’s not a goddamn circus. We may need to find another place to work out in the afternoons.”
I nodded. “You want me to keep the backpack?”
“Hell yeah. That’s your new best friend. And I’m bringing Butch this afternoon to beat the shit out of you, so be ready.”
“Always am.” I held my hand up and walked toward the back door of the coffee shop. I heard Joey laughing, and I flipped him the bird.
“She’s making me some new shakes!” I shouted.
“I’m sure she is, Golden Boy.”
I couldn’t get that kiss out of my head, and my dick had been on high alert because she’d spent the night in my bed. But I was dog-tired now, and the truth was, I just wanted to see her face.
I pulled the back door open, and Peyton raised a brow. “Hey there, superstar. We just had two women in here who were wearing T-shirts that said,Just here for the Magnolia Falls Golden Boy.”
I rolled my eyes. A lot of locals were cashing in on the upcoming fight. They were making shit and selling it. I didn’t care. If it could make people a couple of bucks, I was fine with it.
“It’ll blow over. Where’s Demi?”
“You two sure are spending a lot of time together.” She waggled her brows. “I think something’s going on.”
Demi walked into the kitchen, holding a bag of what I assumed was protein shakes, and as soon as her eyes met mine, her teeth sank into her juicy bottom lip.
“Trust your gut on that, Peyton.” I winked, and she let out a too-high-pitched squeal in celebration. I turned my attention to Demi. “Can you take a break for a little bit?”
“Yeah. The breakfast rush is over. You got things covered, Peyt?” she asked.
“Abso-freaking-lutely. Take your time.” She waggled her brows.
I chuckled and took the bag from Demi, and she glanced at the backpack as I pushed the door open.
“What’s with the backpack? It looks heavy.”
“Joey is the devil.” We stepped outside into the rain, and I reached for her hand as we ran across the alley to my place.
Once we were inside, I dropped her hand and moved to the kitchen area, pulling out a shake and offering her one.
She smiled. “Those are for you. I had a muffin for breakfast. You just ran with that heavy pack on your back. You should get that drink down and then have a good breakfast, as well.”
I dropped the heavy backpack onto the floor, unscrewed the lid, and guzzled the shake. “Damn, that’s good.”
“You’ll be feeling revived in twenty minutes,” she said.
I studied her. My gaze moved down her pretty face to the tan hooded sweater she was wearing. It was damp from the rain and sticking to her perfect tits, and my mouth watered at the sight.
I dropped the bottle into the recycle bin and turned around to see Demi with her arms wrapped around herself, trying to get warm.