Page 59 of Loving Romeo


Hell no. She squeezed my balls once when I tried to break up with her. And she’s got those long, scary nails. It hurt like hell. She shaved that mustache I was trying to grow in my sleep last year. I’m smarter now. I walked her home, and when she tried to kiss me, I said that it took us a long time to become friends again, and I didn’t want to cross that line.


How’d that go over?


She dug her nails into my chest and stabbed my nipple. She practically pierced it. You guys know I have sensitive nipples.


Well, you and your nipples better get your ass to work in twenty minutes, because we’ve got a shit ton to do today.


Toughen up, little brother. Let’s meet at the gym later today, and you can update us on what Demi decides to do with this information.

“You ready?”Joey asked as I dropped my phone onto my desk.

He had the electric bike, and he’d be pushing me today. We made our way outside, and he handed me a backpack.

“Jesus. Did you load it with bricks?” I pulled it over my shoulders, and he chuckled.

“Yeah. You’re getting too fast. We need to make these runs more challenging.”

“Me puking at the end of every run isn’t enough?” I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the coffee shop as I stretched my legs and adjusted to the weight on my back.

I’d spent the night with Demi, and the talk had been very heavy. But she hadn’t run or shouted or blamed me for what happened.

She’d listened.

“Stop gaping over there at your girl. You look like a moron,” Joey grumped, which made me laugh.

“I’m not a moron. Just making sure she’s okay.”

“Well, you didn’t deny she was your girl, so I guess you’re growing up, Romeo.” He climbed onto the bike, looking ridiculous with all his tattoos and his giant body hovering over the handlebars. “Now, get your ass moving. No time for chitchat.”

And I took off on the same path I’d been running. He moved ahead of me, shouting and yelling all sorts of insults. That was Joey’s style, and it worked well for me; however, it was pouring rain now. I had a forty-pound backpack on my shoulders, and I was running six-minute miles. So, I tuned his mean ass out, and I focused on the fight.

On Leo fucking Burns, who wouldn’t shut up about me on social media.

On Demi’s family, who had fucked over me and River all those years ago.

On my father’s battle with addiction and all the shit we went through to get to the other side of things, only to have him pass away at a young age.

I thought about my life.

About surviving and fighting and never giving up.

And then I thought about Demi.

How maybe all the shit I’d gone through was supposed to lead me here.

“Pump those motherfucking arms, you big pussy!” Joey shouted, and I pushed harder just to shut him the fuck up.