Page 58 of Loving Romeo

I fucking dare him. He can’t intimidate anyone anymore. We’re all grown up.

Fuck, yeah. She did share something with me. The son of a family friend of her parents tried to force himself on her several months ago. She fought like hell, and he ran off. Her dad claims he got a restraining order, and I’m not buying it. I don’t think he’s going away. Can you look into it, River? See if there’s a restraining order in the system for this guy?


Of course. What’s his name?

Ronny Waterstone.


As in, the grandson of the senator of California?


Isn’t his father, Patrick, business partners with Demi’s father?

Yes, to both.


I get the feeling Jack Crawford didn’t file shit on his daughter’s behalf.


I’ll do some digging and let you know what I find out.

Thanks. I need to go for a run. I’ll catch you boys later.


Proud of you, brother.


You’re training out in the elements and puking and sore, and Leo is posting endless shit on his social media about his fancy gym and the slew of women who hang out during his workouts. He’s such a cheesedick.


Why the fuck are you following him on social media?


Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you should keep your enemies close?


Is that why you went home with Shana Richards last night? I thought you hated her…


Listen, Looselips… Shana and I are friends. I am all about forgiveness.


Are you fucking her again? Didn’t she shave your eyebrows when you were sleeping once?

I thought she shaved your balls?