There was a lump so thick in my throat now that it was difficult to breathe. And I just let it all out. I lay in his arms as sobs wracked my body.
I cried, and I sobbed.
And I let go.
The sadness that my dad was not who I thought he was.
The fact that my brother’s struggles started long before I knew they did.
The truth that regardless of who in our home knew what, we were all living a lie. And I was done with it.
After my breathing settled, he continued running his hands through my hair and holding me close when I needed it most.
I listened to the sound of his heart, and it soothed me.
“You okay?” he whispered.
“I will be.”
“I don’t doubt that for a minute.”
I snuggled closer and tried to push away thoughts of a young Romeo living away from his family and being mistreated and scared, and I couldn’t get close enough to him.
One thing I knew for damn certain, I’d be getting Romeo and River an apology if it was the last thing I did.
. . .
I talked to Demi about her family. She knows everything.
How’d she take it?
The way you’d expect someone who’s been lied to for a long time to take it. She was devastated. Shocked. But she didn’t doubt me or think I was lying.
Told you. She’s a good one. And I thought we decided a long time ago that we don’t judge others by their family members, right? We should have included her in that.
That was deep, King. You must have gotten laid last night. I’m glad you told her, Romeo. It’s nice to see your grumpy ass happy for once.
So, what happens from here? Will she confront them?
She wants to. I don’t blame her. I’d want to know who knew what and how involved they were.
Agreed. You think her dad will come after you?